“Let’s Say Something Here”

Jose Vega's epic confrontation of fake journalists:

My friends and I confronted the executive editors for @nytimes, @washingtonpost, @latimes, @Reuters on their censorship of Seymour Hersh, Uhuru, Julian Assange, Tucker Carlson, Russiagate..Then the Dean of Columbia and security pushed me to the ground and tried to silence me.

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Censorship is the Answer, According to AOC

Americans are like infants. They can't be trusted to figure things out on their own. "Incitement" needs to be redefined as mere disagreement. Americans need perfectly enlightened people like AOC and Jen Psaki to decide what is true and to protect Americans from bad ideas.

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I propose this as a metaphor for a large country whose institutions are being hollowed out.

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Medea Benjamin Drops a Truth Bomb During an Anthony Blinken Speech

Get this "crazy" woman out of here so that Anthony Blinken and his pals can figure out how to bring us even closer to the brink of nuclear war. Territorial disputes over the Donbas region so clearly affect ordinary Americans that we must roll the dice and risk EVERYTHING.

In this video, Medea Benjamin explains further:

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