New Revelations About Anthony Fauci as the Architect of the COVID Pandemic Ignored by Corporate News Organizations

The narrative is crumbling. We can now see who has been pulling the levers behind the curtain, and why. From The Free Press.

Fauci, who was the face of the public health community during the crisis, pushed the idea that the evidence strongly indicated that the virus was just a tragic, natural occurrence. He insisted, repeatedly, that an epidemic that started in Wuhan was unlikely to have been the result of an escape from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).

But Fauci had an incentive to arrive at his conclusion about the deadly pandemic that started in Wuhan. The WIV was known for doing high-risk virology research studying and manipulating coronaviruses. Fauci, as head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for almost 40 years, had funded such research at the WIV.

Fauci’s posture—dismissive toward the theory of the lab leak, and later, condescending toward those who entertained it—set what became the accepted narrative about the origins of the pandemic. It was a narrative that was parroted by the government, public health officials, and the media, and even enforced by social media platforms at the request of the Biden White House.

But last month, a trove of explosive emails and other documents were released by the U.S. House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. These revealed evidence of Fauci’s and other officials’ behind-the-scenes involvement with scientists and journalists, demonstrating their efforts to quash the lab leak theory.

You would think that these new revelations would lead our leading "news" organizations to scream for Fauci's head. You would think they would engage in concerted intense efforts to substantiate these red-hot leads. Predictably, if you search the archives for NYT, WaPo, CNN, NPR and MSNBC, you will see that all five of these "journalism" organizations have completely ignored these revelations that Anthony Fauci A) repeatedly lied to the American public by funding dangerous gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, B) lied about this after the pandemic resulted from his reckless research, and C) lied to the public by coordinating the writing & publication of the intentional false "Proximal Origin" paper to cover his tracks. Need I add that I have no respect for any of these "news" organizations, not only for their extremely-partisan lack of interest in this story, but also their non-curious angles on dozens of other stories over the past few years.

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How to Evaluate the COVID Vaccine Program

How do you judge a vaccine program? Dr. Vinay Prasad: Excess Mortality is not the only measure that matters. All of these things matter:

1. Results in receipt of the vaccine among people who benefit.

2. Minimizes receipt of the vaccine among those who do not benefit (in absence of herd immunity considerations)

3. Voluntary choice is better than coercion

4. Informed consent is better than uninformed persuasion (values freedom)

5. If herd immunity is at play— i.e. if the vax halts transmission— researchers demonstrate the threshold necessary and prioritizes #3

6. Researchers do not delay FDA EUA of the vaccine merely to sabotage an ongoing election 7. Regulators monitors safety concerns carefully, and rapidly respond to changes.

Prasad concludes:

These 7 metrics are more comprehensive than excess mortality, and should be the basis to judge vaccine programs. By these metrics, because of the the heavy handed use of mandates and the negligent FDA regulation, the USA does not do well.


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Warning About “Your” Data

Do you have secure copies of your data? I do. James Lindsey has this warning. I create pdfs of my books and the Internet articles I value. Saving only the links is precarious. I buy my books in paper. It's for this reason. Too many things are disappearing these days. Things can disappear off the internet for innocent reasons too, of course. Sometimes, website are shut down for financial reasons or because the person maintaining the website doesn't want to maintain it. But way too many documents are becoming inconvenient to persons unknown in recent years and then they are no more . . .

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