Alan Grayson reports on U.S. waste and fraud in the Middle East

I received this mass-email today from Alan Grayson. Within this email you will find numbers that are staggering, numbers that make a compelling argument that the U.S. military presence in the Middle East is utterly immoral:

Dear Erich: Yesterday, the Commission on Wartime Contracting released itsfinal report. The Commission reported that between $31 billion and $62 billion of the tax money spent on contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan has been wasted.  It also said that between $10 billion and $19 billion of what contractors billed and received was fraudulent.  In fact, $360 million of our tax dollars went straight to . . . the Taliban. Wow.  Who could have imagined that? Well . . . me. When I saw that the Bush Administration was doing nothing about fraud in Iraq, I revived a law going back to the Civil War that allowed whistleblowers to bring lawsuits in the name of the U.S. Government.  I filed case after case, which were promptly greeted by the Bush Administration with gag orders – gag orders that they kept in place for years.  They didn’t want any more bad news coming out of Iraq. So I went on CNN, spoke to the New York Times and the Washington Post, and told America whatever I could say without violating those gag orders.  And when the Bush Administration finally let one case out from under those gag orders – and declined to prosecute it – I took that case to trial, and won a $14 million judgment.  It was the third-largest judgment for whistleblowers in the 143-year history of that law. Those contractors built bases without hooking up the plumbing.  A general testified that when he went there, he felt like throwing up. The Wall Street Journal reported in a front-page article that I was “waging a one-man war against contractor fraud in Iraq.” The national organization Taxpayers Against Fraud named me “Lawyer of the Year.”  And people started to think, “what is going on over there?” [More . . . ]

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The wrong type of math

In this three-minute talk, Mathemagician Art Benjamin urges that we change our emphasis when we teach our children math. I couldn't agree with him more. It saddens me to consider the immense amount of self-inflicted damage that Americans could have avoided, if only they were more savvy regarding probability and statistics. For example, very few Americans die of "terrorism," whereas the lives of millions of Americans are severely damaged or destroyed every year by crappy schools, lack of health care (including the failure to obtain colonoscopies), wars begun on the basis of lies, various risky behaviors and many other problems almost too many to mention, all of which leave the actual danger of "terrorism" in the dust. Yet Americans spend a massively lop-sided portion of their tax-dollars each year preventing "terrorism." Each of the serious causes of death we face would be much more preventable if only Americans had a better grasp of statistics and probability.    With better training in statistics and probabilities, Americans could better understand the risks that they faced and the probabilities of success of various proposed "solutions."   With better training, as Art Benjamin suggests, we would be better able to order our national priorities to better prevent the things that are most likely to harm us.

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Republican candidates beckon us to the gloomy future

"Vote for Me because we are in the End Times!" That is the battle cry of several prominent Republican candidates. Matt Taibbi comments:

The Christian candidates are also influenced by rapture theology. Both Bachmann (who once led a Rapture-ready “We are in the last days” prayer ) and Perry (who famously has a relationship with my old pal John Hagee Perhaps America’s most powerful Rapture/End Times preacher) have dabbled seriously in Left Behind belief systems, under which the righteous will be whisked away to heaven just before God comes down to earth to kick ass and dispense justice to unbelievers via End-of-World troubles like wars and natural disasters. All of this helps explain why Republican rhetoric in this election season often coincides with eerie frequency with End-Times preachery. If you want to see what either of the two apocalypse-merchant wings of the Republican Party will be squawking about tomorrow, all you have to do is check to see what End Times fanatics are freaking out about today.
Rapture-talk is nothing new for conservatives, many of whom flock to gatherings where they are warned that the end of the world is imminent; I attended one of these gatherings myself--led by conservative radio talk show host "Doctor" Larry Bates. And as Max Blumenthal revealed a few years ago, prominent Republicans have long worked hard to formulate U.S. foreign policy relating to the Middle East based on End Times theology. If you're having trouble understanding the fine points of what the End Times will be, review this diagram. Or this one from Truth in Love. Or this one. It's apparently more complicated than pro football offensive play diagrams. Did I hear someone say church and state?  Amen to that!  We might not be living in the End Times, but we do seem to be living in Crazy times.

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Why do so many people hate big banks?

I have personally spoken with clients who have records showing that they have made ALL of their mortgage payments on time, yet the bank foreclosed on their home and then filed an unlawful detainer case to kick them out of their home. In two cases, the bank continued to kick the people out of the house even when the mistake was brought to its attention. We have found that, quite often, no one at the bank cares. Sometimes, not even the attorney representing the bank in court cares that there has been a terrible error made by the bank. It sounds unbelievable, but it's true. Where is the evidence that big banks break their promises, deceive mortgage customers, lose paperwork and otherwise engage in despicable behavior? Start reading this list at This list contains complaints against one bank: Bank of America. Grab yourself a cup of tea before you start, because it's going to take you a long time to get through this list.

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Majestic sunset over South St. Louis

I'm a big fan of looking at clouds. While I peddled my bicycle home tonight, from downtown St. Louis to my home in the Shaw Neighborhood, I was repeated stunned by the beauty of the sunset. People oooh and ahhh at fireworks, but I don't believe any fireworks show comes close to what I saw tonight. No need to write any more about it. Instead, I'll simply paste in the gallery below (if you don't see the gallery, it's because you are on the home page--in that case, just click the title of this post and you'll see the gallery). None of these photos have been retouched in any way, other than cropping.

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