George Carlin’s Frustration with Walking Billboards

I'm reading a big book of George Carlin's writings. Here's an excerpt:

I’m tired of being unable to buy clothing that doesn’t have writing and printing all over it. Insipid sayings, pseudo-wisdom, cute slogans, team logos, designer names, brand trademarks, small-business ego trips; the marketing pigs and advertising swine have turned us all into walking billboards. You see some asshole walkin’ by, and he’s got on a fruity Dodger hat and a Hard Rock Cafe T-shirt Of course you can’t see the shirt if he’s wearing his hot-shit Chicago Bulls jacket. The one that only 50 million other loserjock-sniffers own. And since this cretinous sports fan/consumer zombie is completely for sale to anyone, he rounds out his ensemble with FedEx sneakers, ValuJet socks, Wall Street Journal sweatpants, a Starbucks jock strap, and a Microsoft condom with Bill Gates’s head on the end of it No one in this country owns his personal appearance anymore. America has become a nation of obedient consumers, actively participating in their own degradation.
From 3 x Carlin.

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