Areo Offers 14 Reasons: Why Concerns with Woke Ideology do not Justify a Vote for Donald Trump

From Areo, a collection of 14 short articles (authors include Steven Pinker, Thomas Chatterton-Williams, Helen Pluckrose, Irshad Manji Alan Sokal and others) aimed at those who are convinced (as I am) that Woke-ism is horribly misguided, in fact dangerous, and who fear that under a Biden administration this misguided movement might find room to expand further into America's sense-making institutions. The reason for this article is that many people who lean generally to the political left are so repulsed by Woke ideology that they are considering a vote for Trump. The bottom line for each of these authors: a vote for Trump is not a good option, even though Trump has taken a strong stand against CSJ ideology. Caveat for those of you who get your news only from news media that leans to the political left: These issues have been lighting up Twitter and non-legacy media for months. These are serious issues to many people who are about to vote.

There are few people who have done more than me to try to persuade people to regard Critical Social Justice ideas rooted in postmodern ideas about knowledge, power and language as a serious threat to secular liberal democracies. I truly believe that these ideas already have far too much unwarranted cultural prestige and are causing significant damage to the humanities and the political left as well as infiltrating mainstream media, art, culture, history, schools and the corporate world.

However, one of the greatest dangers of Critical Social Justice is that its authoritarian lunacy drives left-leaning centrists to the right—and not towards a sober and ethical conservatism. People who value evidence-based epistemology and consistently liberal ethics can be found on the left, right and centre: these are the people we need to represent us right now. Instead, too many people who claim to prize liberal values are planning to vote for a populist, anti-intellectual president whose rejection of science, reason, truth and liberalism has been amply demonstrated over the last four years.

We cannot push back against irrationalism and illiberalism on the left by embracing irrationalism and illiberalism on the right. We cannot beat the postmodern Social Justice and alternative ways of knowing of the left with the postmodern post-truth and of the right. Trump is not the solution for anyone who values science and reason and wants to protect a liberal society that defends freedom of belief and speech and viewpoint diversity as well as rigorous scholarship and consistently ethical activism for genuine racial, gender and LGBT equality. I urge American citizens to vote for the moderate Democrat, Joe Biden, and hold him to his promise to be the president for all Americans.

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Pew Graphs Illustrate Our Growing Partisan Divide

I found this graph posted by "Number 6" on Twitter today. I haven't been able to track it down independently. If it is accurate, it painfully illustrates our growing cultural/political/partisan divide. In three colors, this is why we can't talk with each other across the aisle any longer.

I think this illustration is worth considering even though it is generally counter-productive to discuss political attitudes on a one-dimensional scale of left-to-right. It is useful in this context because there are only two options for voting for president this year if you want to be able to cast your vote for a person who will actually become president.

Brett Weinstein comments how dangerous this is that our political orientations are increasingly distant from each other.  I agree with him:

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The Shifting Political Sands

I participate in an online forum where, most members are knowledgeable of Meyers Briggs Type Inventory. The moderators and the majority of the members call themselves liberals, but are intolerant of any deviation from leftist ideology. Those people aren't liberals.

In the politics sub-forum I routinely criticize Democrats, because I used to be one, and they abandoned me. I refuse to worship at the altar of statism for good reason, and I find the tactics of Democrats infuriating. The precedents that have been set are injurious to our society. Perjury is OK because Trump. Falsifying evidence is OK because Trump. Screaming in people's faces, encouraging your supporters to keep political opponents out of the public space, is disgusting. I'm accused of being a Trump supporter for this. The idea that principles, hence precedents, matter, is justifiably dismissed because Trump.

I recently called out a venemous progressive who said my protestations of impartiality are a fraud, because I only criticize Democrats, therefore I am a Republican partisan. I have paid a heavy price for my obstinacy. My participation has been limited, and I suspect I'm not yet banned only because the forum has become a near-perfect echo chamber. The problem with driving out all opposition so that the only thing left is an echo chamber. That's the first strike of the bell announcing a funeral. If there is no enemy, there's no reason to exist.

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Andrew Sullivan: Why Woke Works

At The Weekly Dish, Andrew Sullivan has published an excellent analysis of the success of the Woke movement and why, despite it's many deep conceptual flaws, it won't go away any time soon. Here's an excerpt:

The truth is that liberal democracy is hard, counter-intuitive, complicated and requires self-restraint, reason, and toleration at levels most humans are incapable of. That’s why it is such a rare and fleeting exception in the world today and all but non-existent for the vast majority of human history. Critical race theory is much more attuned to human nature. It gives you the simplest template for understanding the world, it assigns you virtue if you assent, it gives you instant power over others purely because of your and their identity, and it requires nothing more than tribal instinct to thrive. That’s why it is here to stay. And why the fight for liberalism is going to be long and hard and require as much courage, steel, and rigor as we can muster.

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Why Are So Many People Voting for Donald Trump?

I won't be voting for Trump, but I'm still concerned he might win re-election. I think many people feel similarly -- otherwise, why do so many people keep talking about the election and the polling? I've often wondered why so many people will vote for Trump, despite his many cataclysmic negative personal qualities. I'm glad that Chloe Valdary asked Trump voters to respond to her Twitter account by stating why they support Trump. She has received more than 300 responses that I found interesting to review. These responses don't change my mind about Trump, but I do see many Trump supporters in a different light.

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