Sorry, New Yorker. I'm not buying that Iran is a threat to the U.S. This article has the fingerprints of the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex all over it. The U.S. is always lost and adrift unless it concocts existential-threat enemies.
I remember well. Before 9/11, we were pounding rhetoric about the "military threat" of China. Then we made a 180 degree turn and galloped off to a 20-year blank-check country-wide adventure in Afghanistan even though the 9/11 mayhem appears to have been financed by Saudi Arabia. Then it was time to shed blood in Iraq based on lies. Then it was urgent that we attend to other "domestic threats" in the Middle East, including Libya (based on lies) and missile strikes on Syria (based on lies).
Now, just in time to distract ourselves from our massive domestic dysfunction (and Biden's cratering poll numbers), it's time to remind Americans that Iran poses an imminent threat. It's amazing how this crap so often comes from left-leaning media (remember NYT's Judith Miller and Thomas Friedman re Iraq?). It's time for all of us to say FU to the military and slash it's budget by half, but that won't happen. The Dems just approved a 5% increase of the military budget. When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
This endless charade would almost be humorous if it weren't killing and maiming so many people, including U.S. soldiers who are being used like pawns by US politicians who are trying to look "strong."