The FDA (completely controlled by Big Pharma) Hard at Work

This FDA turn-down of MDMA, which will increase American deaths, was purely to keep profits flowing to Big Pharma.

This recent action regaring the use of MDMA for treatment of PTSD barely scratches the surface of how evil and Poweful Big Pharma is. Let's set aside what happened during COVID, for a minute - - that could be a long book, a parade of horrors where American lives were traded for profit. Kelly Means offers this litany, summarized by Ben Swann:

1.) 80% of The American Academy of Pediatrics' funding comes from Big Pharma

2.) 75% of FDA funding comes from pharmaceutical companies, not taxpayers

3.) Big Pharma funds over 50% of all TV news

4.) The healthcare industry provides 5X more funding for political campaigns than the oil industry

5.) The American Diabetes Association accepts millions of dollars from Coca-Cola, and once claimed that, "in small doses, it's a good drink for diabetics."

6.) 11X more funding comes from the food industry for nutritional research than from the NIH

7.) Over 50% of the Harvard Medical School budget touches Big Pharma in some way

8.) 90% of healthcare costs are due to preventable conditions tied to food

9.) 50% of young American adults are overweight or obese

10.) 33% of American adults have prediabetes

11.) 25% of young American adults have Fatty Liver Disease

12.) Meanwhile, the childhood obesity rate in Japan is just 4%

"Every single institution that impacts your health is incentivized for you to be sick, and incentivized against you being healthy."

"There has been no more profitable invention in the history of America than a sick child."

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The Coddling, Continued . . .

Greg Lukianoff offered this summary of The Coddling of the American Mind as part of an update:

The central premise of the book is that we are giving a generation of young people extraordinarily terrible advice and then being frustrated with them when they follow it. We argue that we are unintentionally teaching a generation of students three “great untruths.” They are:

The great untruth of fragility: What doesn’t kill you makes you weaker.

The great untruth of emotional reasoning: Always trust your feelings.

The great untruth of us versus them: Life is a battle between good people and evil people.

(Note: In my most recent book with the great Rikki Schlott, The Canceling of the American Mind, we have added a fourth great untruth, The Great Untruth of Ad Hominem, “bad people only have bad opinions.”)"

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