The COVID Lab Leak Chronology – Step by Step

a href="">Alex Washburne lays it all out, step by step, in a tweet. Here is his summary:

Anthony Fauci overturned the moratorium on GOFROC, funded the group that wrote the blueprint for SARS-CoV-2, and then used his position as NIAID director to cast doubt on the lab origin theory by

(i) pressuring authors to ghostwrite manuscripts claiming a lab origin is implausible

(ii) giving funding to those authors

(iii) advertising their work during official NIAID duties like briefing the American people

(iv) sending the paper in (i) to DoS COVID origins investigators who requested all info on NIAID funded work in Wuhan in 2019

(v) pushing the US to censor a lab origin as “disinformation”

(vi) lying under other about NIAID funding labs in Wuhan, and demonstrating a knowledge of this lie’s consequences by also lying about his connection with Ralph Baric.

Currently, we see a clear pattern of NIAID officials violating federal records laws, misleading to DoS investigators, lying to congress, and hiding their knowledge of risky research behind a thin veil of expertise that an expert like me can confidently see through. Why the lies, ghostwriting, FOIA abuses, perjury, and more?

On a more societal note, why is the media letting Fauci get away with this?

Keep reading his tweet if you'd like to see it, step by step:

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How to Detoxify the U.S. Health System

Bret Weinstein: "The COVID story reveals the corruption of science, it reveals the corruption of journalism, it reveals the corruption of the university structure. And the consequences are tangible, right? We know people who were injured. It's amazing that we can identify people in our own lives who are actually injured by this, right? This is a an amazing level of harm. So in any case, either one of those is good enough to realize that the entire system has been corrupted and it needs a reboot.. An absolute reboot. And it's not stopping. It doesn't learn. It has no, it's lost stability to learn. It refuses to learn. Refuses to learn. It has educated us. Right. The number of us, you know, the number of doctors I know who were vaccine advocates five years ago and have now become skeptics because they've looked into adjuvants, they've looked into the mRNA platform and they know that the world that they thought they lived in isn't a real place is shocking."

The biggest question of all is how to fix this deeply intransigent thoroughly corrupt system: a cozy monied alliance of industry/government/media that vilifies and financially ruins knowledgable insiders who want to speak up to warn us?

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You Absolutely Need to Take the Flu Vaccine is another Modern Fable

Every day, it seems, I discover that something that was indubitably true is not true at all. Many of these discoveries are in thd area of public health arena, where I depended completely on "experts" to do their jobs. Today's topic is the flu shot, the vaccination that (I've been told for years) is a life-saving necessity for everyone, especially senior citizens.

Sharyl Atkisson is a 5-time Emmy Award winner and recipient of the Edward R. Murrow award for investigative reporting. She's a NYT bestselling author, managing editor of the TV program “Full Measure. Her article is "Govt. Researchers: Flu Shots Not Effective in Elderly, After All." Excerpt:

"Over 20 years, the percentage of seniors getting flu shots increased sharply from 15% to 65%. It stands to reason that flu deaths among the elderly should have taken a dramatic dip making an “X” graph like this (refers to graphic). Instead, flu deaths among the elderly continued to climb.

It was hard to believe, so researchers at the National Institutes of Health set out to do a study adjusting for all kinds of factors that could be masking the true benefits of the shots. But no matter how they crunched the numbers, they got the same disappointing result: flu shots had not reduced deaths among the elderly.

In fact, the researchers said they could not correlate flu shots with reduced deaths in any age group.

It’s not what health officials hoped to find. NIH wouldn’t let us interview the study’s lead author. So we went to Boston and found the only co-author of the study not employed by NIH: Dr. Tom Reichert.

Dr. Reichert: “We realized we had incendiary material.”

Dr. Reichert said they thought their study would prove vaccinations helped.

Dr. Reichert: “We were trying to do something mainstream. That’s for sure.”

Sharyl: “Were you surprised?”

Dr. Reichert: “Astonished.”

Sharyl: “Did you check the data a couple of times to make sure?”

Dr. Reichert: “Well, even more than that. We’ve looked at other countries now and the same is true.”

That international study, soon to be published, finds the same poor results in Australia, France, Canada and the UK. And other new research stokes the idea that decades of promoting flu shots in seniors, and the billions spent, haven’t had the desired result. The current head of national immunizations confirms CDC is now looking at new strategies, but stops short of calling the present strategy a failure."

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Some of the Reasons Why Public Health Officials Have Completely Lost my Trust

I never used to think about vaccines. I trusted public health officials and I willingly let them put 3 COVID shots into my arms. But now I regret that. In fact I'm furious that we were all lied to and misled by an artificially concocted false consensus that the COVID vax was "safe and effective." Now it is clear that our public health officials lied about almost everything and are still withholding the data about all-cause mortality. Lied about EVERYTHING? That sounds like hyperbole, but here's a starter list.

To me the most concerning issue is a lot of what was considered misinformation was and is true:

    • vaccines don't halt transmission
    • the virus came from a lab
    • cloth masks don't work
    • closing schools is a bad idea
    • toddlers shouldn't masks
    • natural immunity exists

We could add many other items to this already-disturbing list.

And then I learned about this shocking insurance industry data:

The man giving this Congressional testimony isn't some random person. As you can see from the chyron, Edward Dowd was formerly a senior investment advisor at Blackrock.

My mistrust is made even worse thanks to revelations like this on by John Leake, in an article he titles: "The Greatest Coverup in History: NIH Director Francis Collins on EcoHealth Alliance/WIV partnership: "There's a lot more to this story than we have been able to talk about." Here's an excerpt: [More . . . ]

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Inverted Totalitarianism

You are here, blinded, patronized, constrained, and contorted in the land of inverted totalitarianism. And it is almost invisible, because they give us bread and circuses to keep us fat and happy.  Robert Malone explains:

Inverted totalitarianism in the United States evolved from the subtle but seismic shift in which corporate and economic powers learned to exert significant control over governance and societal functions through the corruption of both the political arms of government and the administrative state while maintaining the facade of democratic processes.

Inverted totalitarianism operates through the integration of economic with political power to control the levers of government. This system doesn't require a dictator or a single-party state. It thrives on the undue influence of corporations, financial institutions, the censorship-industrial complex, and the military-industrial complex while maintaining the facade of a democratic process. Corporations and wealthy elites influence policy through lobbying, campaign finance, and the revolving doors between business and government. This all works to ensure policies that favor corporate economic interests over public interest. The apathetic public is placated into compliance through consumerism, media control, censorship, propaganda, and a political system that offers limited choice within a very controlled spectrum of political thought (“Overton window”). Although elections continue, they are constrained to the range of acceptable candidates and solutions, which are limited to those that corporate-controlled MSM supports and pre-selects through processes that are only partially transparent. The Overton window, which describes the range of allowed public discourse, is actively controlled. The result is that the final candidates in significant elections do not threaten corporatist control of government, and legislative actions are massaged to produce bills favorable to the economic interests that control the State.

This leads to people feeling perpetually powerless, resulting in widespread political disengagement or a sense of political despair. The system allows a culture of limited individualism (within allowed boundaries) and promotes consumerism over collective political action through democratic processes.

Continuous threats linked to infectious disease, terrorism, or economic crises are promoted by the government (psychological bioterrorism and disaster cronyism), and corporate entities acting in tandem with the State actively promote security measures and policies that erode civil liberties, all while maintaining a veneer of democracy.

Digital surveillance, surveillance capitalism, social media, and a globalized economy based on the fusion of corporatism with socialism (ergo, 21st-century Fascism) cooperate to entrench the United States into a managed democracy. Democratic processes have become mere formalities in the face of overwhelming globalist power.

Chris Hedges explained "Inverted Totalitarianism" this way in 2021:
The long campaign against Julian and WikiLeaks is a window into the collapse of the rule of law, the rise of what the political philosopher Sheldon Wolin calls our system of inverted totalitarianism, a form of totalitarianism that maintains the fictions of the old capitalist democracy, including its institutions, iconography, patriotic symbols and rhetoric, but internally has surrendered total control to the dictates of global corporations.

Hedges continued:

Now, I know many of us here tonight would like to think of ourselves as radicals, maybe even revolutionaries. But what we are demanding on the political spectrum is in fact conservative, it is the restoration of the rule of law. It is simple and basic. It should not, in a functioning democracy, be incendiary. But living in truth in a despotic system is the supreme act of defiance. This truth terrifies those in power.

See also, "De-Tot," Decentralized Totalitarianism, discussed here by Jonathan Haidt.

The difference between totalitarian and a dictator is that a dictator tells you what he wants, and he’ll kill you if you don’t do it. But totalitarianism means it gets into the totality of your life. “We’re going to control how you raise your kids what to think of the food you eat, the science, everything, control everything.” That’s very hard to do. It’s only been tried a few times, certainly the Russians, the Chinese. Only a few countries have been tried to control everything of your life. And in a way this thing that we call wokeness has elements that are totalitarian, but there’s no person. There’s no authority. So what you have when everybody can record everybody, when everybody can shame everybody, you get human behavior reacting as if you were in a totalitarian country, but yet there’s no totalitarian.

The end result, the great danger of totalitarianism, is dehumanization. Christopher Hitchens:

“I have one consistency, which is being against the totalitarian – on the left and on the right. The totalitarian, to me, is the enemy; the one that’s absolute, the one that wants control over the inside of your head, not just your actions and your taxes.” These totalitarianism tactics work powerfully and insidiously through the process of Mass Formation Hypnosis, detailed by Mathias Desmet (and explained by Robert Malone.''

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