Video Synopsis of Jonathan Haidt’s Newest Book: “The Anxious Generation”

Jonathan Haidt's newest book, The Anxious Generation, is out. I bought a copy but haven't read it (though I've watched several interview of Haidt and he makes a compelling case). The statistics are sobering:

Here's a 7-minute video synopsis of Haidt's book to whet your appetite:

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Belief in One’s Victimization: The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Classic scar experiment that is highly relevant to modern times, where people who believe that they are victims try to cash in on that purported victimization over and over, classic case of confirmation bias and WYSIATI.

More on the Dartmouth scar experiment at Psychology Today, along with commentary regarding Andy Clark's work on predictive processing, including a link to fascinating rubber hand experiments.

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Calley Means Delivers a long list of Horrifying Statistics Regarding the Poor Health of Americans

Americans have made themselves very sick. Calley Means delivers a long list of terrifying health statistics. "We are savaging our human capital."

“We’re committing genocide against our children."

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