Turn off your TV to be happy

Sociologists at the University of Maryland have concluded that “unhappy people watch more TV, while people who describe themselves as very happy spend more time reading and socializing.” The study appears in the December issue of the journal Social Indicators Research. The study was based on 30-years worth of national…

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We just elected not-Bush. Exhibit A: Obama’s policies regarding the Internet

Barack Obama is going to be a big change from George W. Bush, as you can see by reviewing his transition site: Change.gov.   It's gratifying to see the many enlightened changes that Barack Obama will be bringing to the way the government views and uses the Internet.   For example, he…

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Maybe We Will

I did not stay up for the speeches.  I waited.  I just now watched Obama’s acceptance speech. Not a victory speech.  An acceptance speech.  There is a difference.  He hasn’t really won anything.  Yet. I cannot remember the last time I felt a tingle run through me at the words…

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Why do we Write?

Everyone has a different reason to write. Some like stories, and can find a publisher to pay them to create. Others write briefs to persuade a court, or articles to sway a constituency, or columns to move or amuse casual readers. For some, it is an unburdening; a barely cloaked…

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The Changing Recipe of Pleasure Lesion Stew

We've all recited: "Eye pleasure legion stew the flag, an tooda republic for ..." with maybe a glimmering of what it meant. The ideas are too complex for the school age children to parse. It is a mantra intended to imprint kids so that later they don't question the ideas…

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