Jimmy Dore:
I have friends who still think the TV news is there to inform them & give them “news”. Americans are the most propagandized people on earth & they have no idea they are.
If the TV new actually did inform people about what is going on in the world & who actually runs things it would cause a revolution, which is why they never tell you the truth about anything important.
Their job is to manufacture consent for the agenda of Oligarchy & the handful of Billionaires who actually run things.
They’ve pushed EVERY war in my lifetime. EVERY WAR.
Can you imagine Anderson Cooper coming on TV and saying:
“The government is lying to you about this war, it’s complete bullshit just like Iraq & Vietnam, it’s built on lies to enrich a handful of people at the expense of everyone else, this is about money & power & stealing natural resources for western corporations & everyone should immediately oppose it”.
And STILL people turn to them for news & information as if they’ve turned over a new leaf & rejected their funding from weapons manufacturers, Wall st. & Oil companies.
We are living in a world that is a mixture of Orwell’s “1984” & Huxely’s “Brave New World” & it’s amazing how perfectly comfortable people are with that.