Specialist at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles Advises That Doctors Can Cut off Girls’ Breasts and Simply Restore Them if they Change their Mind

At the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy urges that "adolescent" girls "have the capacity to make a reasoned and logical decision" to cut off their breasts. No problem if they later have regrets: "“Here’s the other thing about chest surgery. If you want breasts at a later point in your life, you can go and get them!” In the meantime, 45,000 young women and girls are currently attempting to raise money to cut off their breasts on GoFundMe.

Billboard Chris has worked tirelessly for several years to get the word out about Transgender Ideology, suffering at least two hospitalizations for being attacked while doing so.

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After Seymour Hersh Revealed Joe Biden’s Lawless Destruction of the Nord Stream Pipeline, Congress has been Silent. Dennis Kucinich has Spoken Up.

Ever since Seymour Hersh revealed that Joe Biden instructed U.S. military to blow up the Nord Stream pipeline, no sitting member of Congress has spoken up, protested, or called for a hearing. All members of Congress have thus ratified Joe Biden's dangerous lawlessness.

At the recent Rage Against the War Machine Rally, former member of Congress, Dennis Kucinich, was not silent:

In blowing up the Nordstrom pipeline, this government has deliberately circumvented Article One of the U.S. Constitution: the authority of Congress to make war. It has violated international criminal law by conspiring to commit acts of sabotage and violence on the high seas. It has used illegal and unconstitutional means to destroy the energy resources needed to protect millions of people in Europe during the winter and then to profit from its illegal actions by selling energy to Europe at a four to six times markup. It has done so blatantly and cynically, simultaneously taking credit for the destruction of the Nordstrom Pipeline and then denying any role in it.

I speak directly to those responsible thanks to a courageous journalist, Seymour Hersh. We know what each of you did at the Nord Stream pipeline, Mr. President, Mr. Secretary of State, Mr. National Security advisor and Madam Under-Secretary of State, and we will not rest until you are held accountable by Congress, by the international criminal court and by the American people at the next election for your reprehensible conduct, which has debased our Constitution, undermined the rule of law in our name, committed an act of War which threatens the Peace of the world and the stability of our own Nation. No amount of balloon militarism will distract us from your profoundly lawless and reckless conduct.

Continue ReadingAfter Seymour Hersh Revealed Joe Biden’s Lawless Destruction of the Nord Stream Pipeline, Congress has been Silent. Dennis Kucinich has Spoken Up.

Chapter 7,982: Journalists Refusing to do Journalism

Matt Taibbi's recent Tweet thread noting the silence by the mainstream media when it comes to stunning revelations based on the Twitter Files.

Instead of taking as leads stories like Hamilton 68 or CENTCOM’s fake social media accounts abroad or the FBI, DOS and DHS cranking out thousands of moderation requests, “reputable” journalists are spending all their time attacking me and throwing stupid partisan tantrums. Why?

Because they’re not real journalists. The lot of them are invested in protecting people in power and defending their own screwups (like their stories about #ReleaseTheMemo being driven by Russian bots), so they’re refusing to follow up on dozens of newsworthy stories.

How journalism works when the press is real: One reporter does a story. It may not be the whole story, but it’s newsworthy. The next reporter finds the next piece of the puzzle. A third adds more. We compete, but all push the story forward. The TF response exposes a fake press:

This is why I now have to hire people to help chase down all the stuff in the Twitter Files — because the “community” of reputable journalists not only won’t investigate as they once would have, they’re trying to shut such inquiries down.

Based on what passes as "news" in most regional and national outlets, Joseph Pulitzer must be spinning in his grave. Here is his 1907 Platform:

I know that my retirement will make no difference in its cardinal principles, that it will always fight for progress and reform, never tolerate injustice or corruption, always fight demagogues of all parties, never belong to any party, always oppose privileged classes and public plunderers, never lack sympathy with the poor, always remain devoted to the public welfare, never be satisfied with merely printing news, always be drastically independent, never be afraid to attack wrong, whether by predatory plutocracy or predatory poverty.

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Jimmy Dore Offers Some History Regarding the Ukraine War

Jimmy Dore recently appeared on Ep 237 of the PBD Podcast with Patrick Bet-David. I transcribed a portion of his interview, in which is described the relevant history of Ukraine as it pertains to the ongoing war. He contrasts the vast military aid the U.S. if providing to Ukraine to the desperate economic situation of millions of Americans.

Jimmy Dore:

Well, it's obvious that they don't want you to know the real history. They don't want you to know that when Germany was allowed to reunify the promise from NATO to Russia was that we won't expand NATO. And then of course, it did. I think there's thirteen more countries that they put it into NATO. And now they wanted to put Ukraine into NATO or threatened to do that. That would be like if Russia got into a military alliance with Mexico and they wanted to start putting military bases in Mexico. We wouldn't allow that we wouldn't allow it. And just like what happened with Cuba with the missile crisis in the 60s, we wouldn't allow stuff like that. But we're doing that and they don't want you to know that NATO is not a defensive, it is offensive. This is a war that was started and provoked by NATO and the West. Zelensky ran on peace. He brought on bringing the country back together, right? The Russian speakers in the east, the Donbas. But he didn't do it. Why? Because he got threatened by NATO and the ultra right, the Nazis, in Ukraine. And so they'll threaten to kill--he knows he's a dead man--if he does a peace deal with Russia. So that's why he won't. They had a peace deal in March and that's when Boris Johnson from the UK flew there and said, Hey, you better you don't do this. And he he killed the peace deal. So Russia is the one that wants peace in this deal. And Ukraine and NATO do not. They want to bleed Russia economically. And that's why they blew up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. They've always said they were going to do it and they did it. For the life of me, I can't get why the European nations are going along with this. There was the foreign minister of Germany said I don't care about my people, if they don't want this. I care about the people of Ukraine. What leader of a country says they don't care about their own people, but they care more about somebody else's country? It's crazy what's going on.

People don't realize that NATO has provoked this. In fact, there was a peace agreement in 2014. The CIA helped overthrow the Ukraine Government. And then the people in the Donbas didn't want to go along with this coup'ed government, because the leader of Ukraine wanted to be friendly or economically with Russia instead of join, like the European Union, and that they couldn't have that right. So that's why they did a coup. And Russian speakers in the Donbas didn't want to go along with that coup. And so they kind of wanted to break away. The Ukraine Government started shelling the Donbas. And so they had a peace agreement called the Minsk agreements. That was supposed to give them independence. They were supposed to have their own elections and they were going to stop shelling them, but they never did. They ended up killing like 14 or 15,000 people in the Donbas over the last eight years.

And now it's been revealed that that peace agreement was never real. Merkel, the former prime minister of Germany, just admitted that the only reason they did that peace agreement was to give Ukraine enough time to build up its military. So when they finally did provoke an invasion, which is what they did, that they would have a military ready to fight Russia. People don't know this is what happens. They just think that one day Putin woke up and said, I want to go invade Ukraine, because I'm a maniac. And they think that he's the bad guy. He's acting rationally. We always knew he would do this. In fact, we were counting on him doing this. That's why we did what we did. And [Americans] don't know that Ukraine ramped up their bombing right before the war started last year. They doubled their bombing. They were really trying to provoke it. And they did it. They got it. They provoked it. And Russia would rather have a peace agreement and the rest of the world rather have a peace agreement. Not NATO. Not Joe Biden. Not the military industrial complex. That's where we are and people don't know that. That's what [Reporter Matt Lee] is saying: Hey, NATO's the one expanding. That's the reason why he said it. The reason why NATO's army is on the doorstep of Russia is because we moved, not Russia.

[More . . . ]

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Mainstream Media Remains Silent on Nord Stream 2 Destruction

The lack of news coverage regarding what appears to be the U.S. destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline looks like a major psy-op.

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