Steve Kirsch: “When you Try to Show People the Data, They Run Away

Steve Kirsch discusses the latest safety data regarding the COVID vaccine with Russell Brand at Rumble: Kirsch, inventor of the optical mouse, voluntarily received two COVID vaccinations at during the pandemic. He had minor reactions, but he started hearing from people who claimed that their relatives were dying shortly after getting vaccinated. After finding more than 700 safety signals in the VAERS data obtained as the result of the FOIA request, he approached the CDC, seeking comment or explanation. He received neither. Instead, he encountered willing and/or intentional ignorance regarding the data. The CDC started with the premise that everyone must get vaccinated. Anything conflicting with that must be suppressed. At min 24 of this interview, Kirsch reports recent findings (by Barry Young, a New Zealand whistle-blower who worked for a NZ public health agency, who is currently being prosecuted by NZ) that 1 out of 1,000 people receiving the COVID vaccine was killed by the vaccine. If true, this would project to 650,000 Americans killed by the vaccine. Excerpts from the Interview

Steve Kirsch: Let me start with the punch line, which is that when you analyze the data and you look at overall shots over all ages, what you see is about a increase of one death per 1000 doses on average, is that people that were killed by the vaccine that shouldn't have died. And so that corresponds to 13 million people killed worldwide, it corresponds to about 675,000 people in the United States being killed, and about 150,000 people in the UK being killed.

And so that's what the Barry's data reveals. Now, what's important about Barry's data is that this is the first time in history that we have ever seen record level data for a vaccine. It's always kept hidden from public view. So these are public health records that are always kept hidden from public view. You there's no country in the world that publishes this data that was leaked out. There is no state in the United States that publishes this data. Everyone keeps it hidden from public view. This is public health data, it belongs to the public. And this is the first time in history, this has never happened before. This is a big moment. This is the first time we get to peek behind the curtain and find out if they're what the man looks like behind the curtain. So what Barry did is completely game changing. And for me, it's it's like it this is the the Holy Grail.

This is what I've been searching for. This is what we've been denied all this time is access to the data that would show the truth. And nobody, nobody, nobody who is supporting the pro-vaccine narrative has ever called for any data transparency in the public health data. Nobody. There is not a single person calling for for data transparency. But but you know, there's not a paper that's published in the peer reviewed literature--I've checked that--saying that, "Hey, if you withhold the data from the public, it leads to better health outcomes." So if you want their health outcomes, you need to publish the data. ... He basically he exposed the data... He proved that you could publish the data and nobody's privacy would be violated that but there's still statistical fidelity in the data. So we can obfuscate the data but still have the statistical fidelity so we can do it the analysis without violating anyone's privacy.

This was thought to be impossible. And Barry has proved that it is possible to do and not even the New Zealand Ministry of Health or health New Zealand was able to figure out whose records were published. They know it's their records, but we obfuscated it. So there's no privacy violation, and this frustrates the hell out of them.

Russell Brand: How did Barry get that information, he worked for a New Zealand Health for like a government agency?

Steve Kirsch: He's an Oracle 11 DBA. He's a database administrator. He's a specialist on Oracle. He was tasked with creating the database for this pay per dose system in New Zealand. And there are two there are two systems. And one of them is pay per dose. And it's just the way that that that they do billing. And so he has 4 million, he has over 4 million records of the 12 million records that exist in New Zealand. So it's a sample of all the vaccination records, and it would be great to get everything, but it's only people who've been vaccinated."

In the meantime, the Texas Attorney General has filed a lawsuit against Pfizer for widespread misrepresentations:

The pharmaceutical company's widespread representation that its vaccine possessed 95% efficacy against infection was highly misleading. That metric represented a calculation of the so-called “relative risk reduction” for vaccinated individuals in Pfizer’s initial, two-month clinical trial results. FDA publications indicate “relative risk reduction” is a misleading statistic that “unduly influence[s]” consumer choice. Pfizer was also put on notice at that time that vaccine protection could not accurately be predicted beyond two months. Nevertheless, Pfizer fostered a misleading impression that vaccine protection was durable and withheld from the public information that undermined its claims about the duration of protection. And, despite the fact that its clinical trial failed to measure whether the vaccine protects against transmission, Pfizer embarked on a campaign to intimidate the public into getting the vaccine as a necessary measure to protect their loved ones.

In fact, Pfizer’s product failed to live up to the company’s representations. COVID-19 cases increased after widespread vaccine administration, and some areas saw a greater percentage of deaths from COVID-19 among the vaccinated population than the unvaccinated. When the failure of its product became apparent, Pfizer then pivoted to silencing truth-tellers. The lawsuit notes: “How did Pfizer respond when it became apparent that its vaccine was failing and the viability of its cash cow was threatened? By intimidating those spreading the truth, and by conspiring to censor its critics. Pfizer labeled as ‘criminals’ those who spread facts about the vaccine. It accused them of spreading ‘misinformation.’ And it coerced social media platforms to silence prominent truth-tellers.”


Continue ReadingSteve Kirsch: “When you Try to Show People the Data, They Run Away

The Backstory to Matt Orfalea’s “Nobody is Safe” Video

Matt Orfalea made this video to show news media hysteria, the over-exaggerations of the dangers of COVID, the unhinged commentators and "experts" claiming that they knew things that they didn't know. Now hosted on X (Twitter), it's an 11-minute demonstration of top-down bullshit driven by lies and power-mongering. This is what our country was subjected to. It's an incredible shameful reaction by a country that has our resources. And all of this propaganda was going in one direction: Get the vaccine! It's important for all of us to see this montage and reflect on how we will perform regarding the next pandemic. I am pessimistic.

Matt's video consists only of already-published video clips of of news commentators and "experts," leading to Youtube's decision (in May) to demonetize it because "it is not suitable for all advertisers." Welcome to America, 2023.

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COVID Vax Risk Censorship and My Regret for Not being More Vigilant

When someone claims that the COVID vaccination carries substantial risks, I usually don't pay much attention. I do have deep concerns that these risks are real and that our public health officials and the corporate media have lied to us about most aspects about COVID. But I ignore most such discussions because most of the people who make these claims are people like me, not knowledgable medical researchers. We should pay close attention, however, when the person warning of such risks is Dr. Mike Yeadon, who until 2011 served as the vice-president of Pfizer. Despite his shocking claims and his tenure as a high ranking executive at Pfizer, you will not see his name or any his concerns discussed at NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC or NPR (I searched all five of these website today).

For more of Dr. Yeadon's concerns about COVID and its consequences, consider this 2021 article. Excerpt:

Dr Yeadon outlined that the government has been lying to the public throughout the entirety of the Covid pandemic and that it’s up to the masses to stop them.

“Don’t say you weren’t warned because I’ve been warning people as long as I can and as hard as I can, that you can still right now take your normal society back and take it back tomorrow,” Dr Yeadon said.

In the video, Dr Yeadon explained the Covid-19 restrictions that were introduced at the start of the pandemic (and continue to be used) don’t work. For example, he explains how masks are incapable of preventing the spread of the alleged virus, and that lockdowns never slowed transmission.

Additionally, Dr Yeadon told viewers that they “don’t need to be vaccinated by inadequately tested and somewhat dangerous gene-based, spike protein inducing proteins”, and should instead ignore what corrupt scientists tell them to do.

The former Pfizer Vice President warned that if people don’t wake up in the next few weeks, they will have lost the chance to take back freedoms and return to normal society as vaccine passports will be introduced.

You can hear Yeadon's 6-minute discussion of his views here.

See also the warnings of Dr. Peter McCullough.  And see here.  I am greatly concerned and I don't know where to turn for highly reliable information.  We should be turning to our public health authorities for guidance, but they have little to no credibility.  An incomplete sampling of bad ideas presented to us by public health authorities:

1. SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has a far higher fatality rate than the flu by several orders of magnitude.

2. Everyone is at significant risk to die from this virus.

3. No one has any immunological protection, because this virus is completely new.

4. Asymptomatic people are major drivers of the spread.

5. Locking down—closing schools and businesses, confining people to their homes, stopping non-COVID medical care, and eliminating travel—will stop or eliminate the virus.

6. Masks will protect everyone and stop the spread.

7. The virus is known to be naturally occurring, and claiming it originated in a lab is a conspiracy theory.

8. Teachers are at especially high risk.

9. COVID vaccines stop the spread of the infection.

10. Immune protection only comes from a vaccine.

And see here.

I wish I had paid better attention to the lack of credibility of the people who acted with such confidence in 2021. I wish I had paid closer attention to the insidious and dangerous incentives driving their false claims. As Upton Sinclair famously stated: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."

Based on what I now understand, I regret having two vaccinations and one booster. In fact, I'm ashamed that I didn't demand more information before taking the experimental jab, but I understand why I gave in, because the information and real discussions were censored. Further, I would have been social excluded in ways that were critically important to my way of life. I'm feeling extra regret because we've long known that Big Pharma, as an industry, has little to no credibility when it comes to claims of safety.

It was deplorable that our public health officials, government officials and social media corporations shut down conversation that was desperately needed in 2020 and 2021.

Now that discussion is starting to happen, the revelations about the effects of effects of the vaccination on a significant number of people are highly concerning. Combine this with the knowledge that has been perfectly clear from early on: Young people were not at risk for COVID and yet well-meaning parents were forced to vaccinate their children. This is horrific, but you might now know any of this because elite corporate media is pushing back ferociously. They march in lock-step with no sense of curiosity, yet they call themselves "journalists." This is utterly dystopian.

Statistics like these need to be vigorously discussed:

Data compiled by the International Olympic Committee show 1,101 sudden deaths in athletes under age 35 between 1966 and 2004, giving us an average annual rate of 29, across all sports. Meanwhile, between March 2021 and March 2022 alone — a single year — at least 769 athletes have suffered cardiac arrest, collapse, and/or have died on the field, worldwide.

Instead, these statistics are suppressed, censored and ridiculed, (and see here) assisted by Google search engine manipulation and Youtube censorship.

Here is Dr. Peter McCullough sounding the alarm:

Peter McCullough has a long resume and has published an extraordinary amount of peer reviewed medical research:

Dr. McCullough joined the Henry Ford Heart and Vascular Institute in Detroit following his fellowship at the Beaumont Hospital, where he remained until 2000. He then moved to Kansas City, Missouri, to serve as Section Chief of Cardiology of the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine, Truman Medical Centers.

After his time in Missouri, Dr. McCullough returned to Michigan to serve as a Consultant Cardiologist at the Beaumont Hospital, and also as Chief, Division of Nutrition and Preventive Medicine Division of Cardiology. In 2010, following his stint at Beaumont Hospital, he was appointed as the Chief Academic and Scientific officer of the St. John Providence Health System, also in Detroit. In 2014, Dr. McCullough joined Baylor University Medical Center as Vice Chief of Internal Medicine. He was also appointed Chief of Cardiovascular Research of the Baylor Heart and Vascular Institute, and Program Director of the Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship Program.²

Dr. McCullough is recognized internationally as a leading figure in the study of chronic kidney disease as a cardiovascular risk state, having over 1,000 publications to his name and over 500 citations in the National Library of Medicine.³ He is also a founder of the Cardio Renal Society of America, which is a group that dedicates itself to bringing cardiologists and nephrologists together to work on the increasing global issue of cardiorenal syndromes. He is the Co-Editor of Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine and is also currently serving as the Chair of the National Kidney Foundation's Kidney Early Evaluation Program (KEEP), the largest community screening effort for chronic diseases in America.⁴

The problem is that McCullough's opinions are inconvenient to NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC and NPR, so you will note even see his name mentioned by any of these "journalists" (I checked today). The "truth" is determined by something other than free and open discussion/dissent and the media corporations continue to march in lock-step.

That's how it is, here in the year 2023.  Have we learned anything? Will we be better able to resist the next round of authoritarian coercion?  Time will tell.

Continue ReadingCOVID Vax Risk Censorship and My Regret for Not being More Vigilant

How to Evaluate the COVID Vaccine Program

How do you judge a vaccine program? Dr. Vinay Prasad: Excess Mortality is not the only measure that matters. All of these things matter:

1. Results in receipt of the vaccine among people who benefit.

2. Minimizes receipt of the vaccine among those who do not benefit (in absence of herd immunity considerations)

3. Voluntary choice is better than coercion

4. Informed consent is better than uninformed persuasion (values freedom)

5. If herd immunity is at play— i.e. if the vax halts transmission— researchers demonstrate the threshold necessary and prioritizes #3

6. Researchers do not delay FDA EUA of the vaccine merely to sabotage an ongoing election 7. Regulators monitors safety concerns carefully, and rapidly respond to changes.

Prasad concludes:

These 7 metrics are more comprehensive than excess mortality, and should be the basis to judge vaccine programs. By these metrics, because of the the heavy handed use of mandates and the negligent FDA regulation, the USA does not do well.


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About those Anti-Vax Democrats . . .

No, I'm not going to let the Democrats forget what they did and said regarding the COVID vaccines that they eventually foisted upon us. In case you are thinking that I'm a conservative or a republican, not true. I haven't voted republican for decades. I am now completely politically homeless. I've seen 100 times more BS than I need to see to be convinced that both of our two major political parties (and their allied media) are corrupt to the core.

Continue ReadingAbout those Anti-Vax Democrats . . .