Foxes guarding the NSA henhouse

Stunning news by The Atlantic:

Last Friday, President Obama promised a review of current government surveillance practice by an independent group of outside experts. Turns out that the review group will be established by the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, who's come under fire from Congress for erroneously telling legislators that the U.S. doesn't "collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of million of Americans."

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Why non-believers don’t exist

Matthew Hut's "The 7 Laws of Magical Thinking" is one of the most challenging and well-written books I've read in the past decade. His premise is that ALL of us believe in "magical thinking," which he defines as the "mingling of psychological concepts with physical ones" (as opposed to another approach, which would have been "holding beliefs that contradict scientific consensus--he defends his approach on p. 7 of his book). In this article at Huffpo, Hutson elaborates:

Thanks to evolved habits of mind, we suspect the reality of essences, voodoo, luck, mind over matter, ESP, the soul, karma, and destiny. We attribute mental properties to nonmental phenomena (treating natural events as purposeful, say) and attribute nonmental properties to mental phenomena (treating thoughts as having force in the world). We mix up the realms of mind and matter. What's more, such illusions are not all bad--they can provide a sense of control over the events around us and a sense of meaning in life. So before you call someone with far-fetched beliefs stupid or crazy, read on and check out 13 of the many reasons the supposed "non-believer" is just one more figment of the imagination.
What follows, I guarantee, is that everyone of you will realize that you are believe in magical thinking.

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