Anarchists = BLM Minus Black People

From the Los Angeles Times article, "Portland’s anarchists say they support racial justice. Black activists want nothing to do with them":

The election of Biden has only antagonized the anarchists — and exposed their differences with the Black activists they claim to support.

Black activists and community leaders, who generally view the defeat of Trump as an opportunity for change within the system, said the anarchists are hijacking the movement and undermining the push for racial justice by continuing to commit violence.

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Better Than Nature – Puberty Blockers

A tweet by James Lindsay of New Discourses:

I struggle to understand the willingness of prepubescent teenagers to take hormone blockers in light of the high physical and emotional risks (other than social contagion and need to please one's social network). What follows is an excerpt from Irreversible Damage, by Abigail Shrier:

“So first of all, the studies show that when a kid is put on puberty blockers, almost 100 percent will go on to do cross-sex hormones.” This is true, though the reasons are not entirely clear. One possibility is that a young person would only go on puberty blockers in the first place if she was reasonably certain of wanting to lead a transgender life. Another is that, after years of socially identifying as a person of the opposite sex, the social costs of taking it all back are quite steep. It’s hard to change your mind about something you’ve been insisting on for so long— even if you might wish you could.

But it was the next thing she learned that sent Katherine [the mother of a teenager] spinning. “When you’ve stopped puberty with puberty blockers and go straight to cross-sex hormones, you absolutely guarantee that you will be infertile.” When the gender clinicians pushed Katherine to start her preteen child on hormone blockers, they were proposing that she put Maddie on a path toward infertility. Her faith in the gender therapists fell apart.

Katherine could not understand how psychologists would encourage this, how doctors would allow it, or why medical professional standards would permit parents to consent to eliminating such a vital human capacity on behalf of their minor children. And yet, right in front of her, schools were encouraging it, parents were going along with it, the media was celebrating it, and everyone was acting as if this were perfectly kosher.

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Racial Progress in a Wealthy Neighborhood Association in Seattle

Perhaps someday people will learn that, sooner or later, they need to draw a line in the sand and say no to Woke insanity. If they fail, things like this will multiply:

Dear PhinneyWood Community,

We have a few updates to share with you about our on-going commitment to anti-racism and equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) at the PNA.

You are probably familiar with the neighborhood tradition of the winter holiday monkeys. For the last five years, these LED-lit metal monkeys hung in the windows of businesses and organizations along the Phinney-Greenwood corridor. The monkey project was initially spearheaded by the PNA Business Group with the intent to bring a spirit and tradition unique to the PhinneyWood neighborhood. They chose monkeys as a complement to Woodland Park Zoo WildLights, perhaps as “escaped” animals from that display.

However, the PNA did not properly take into account the extended history of monkeys being used as a racist symbol, with Black people being derogatorily referred to as monkeys symbolically and in language. We do not want to cause any hurt or harm to our Black community members or visitors nor reinforce this symbolism, so the Board of Directors voted on July 21 to permanently retire the monkey project. This is just one step in our work of dismantling systemic racism.

We recognize that losing this winter tradition could be disappointing, but we hope you will stand with us in our efforts to become an anti-racist organization. We are committed to working with the Business Advisory Group to research, develop, and implement an alternative PhinneyWood tradition to unite business and community. We will engage local businesses and the community with ideas and feedback in the planning process. To pass on ideas to the Business Advisory Committee, please email Chris at

In addition to the monkey symbolism, it came to our attention that a water fountain in the Phinney Center presented to some community members as a legacy or symbol of segregation and caused discomfort and pain.

As background, our Blue Building was built in 1904 as a Seattle Public School and remained in operation as a school until 1981. The small water fountain in the lobby was the only fountain on that level until 2012, when PNA installed a modern ADA accessible water fountain and bottle filler as part of a larger accessibility and conservation project that included an elevator and other building improvements.

When the new fountain was installed, PNA decided to keep the old fountain as part of the building’s historic character, and for easier use by smaller children. We did not realize at the time that the presence of the two separate fountains could bring up imagery of racial segregation.

Facilities staff first heard about the second water fountain making some community members uncomfortable on July 8, 2020. After brief consultation with PNA leadership, maintenance staff removed the fountain on July 10, 2020. We have a little cosmetic work to finish, but are glad to have addressed the concern as soon as we became aware of it.

Last, but not least, at the July 21 meeting, the Board passed a resolution to formalize the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee. This will make sure this work permanently remains part of the fabric of the organization.

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