A football field covered with M&M’s says don’t waste your money playing the lottery

I’m sure you’ve seen the photos of many of those many delighted lottery winners! Yes, they do exist.  As we all know, though, winning the Powerball requires a lot of luck. For every smiling winner there are millions of people with nothing to show for their money.  How much luck…

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The killing fields of Iraq

According to this article in Alternet, a British polling firm has concluded that "1.2 million Iraqis have met violent deaths since the 2003 invasion."  More disturbing, Americans have no idea that their invasion has caused such misery and, for the most part, the American media doesn't care about reporting these…

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Reading In America

In a recent poll, reading in America is revealed to be, well, less than appreciated by large swaths of the population. This ought come as no surprise. We live in a time of stupendous ignorance, which allows for the expression of epic stupidity. The Founding Fathers were suspicious of democracy…

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Phobic Innumeracy

In an article from the Washington Post we learn that the United States has slipped in the ranking for life expectancy in the world to number 42. Douglas Adams aside, this is not a good thing. The article lists a good many factors contributing to this fact, which seems paradoxical…

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