Guided meditation Video

I've soured on Sam Harris over the years, but I still find him to be highly articular and engaging. In recent weeks, some friends have indicated that I look absorbed and even anxious, even though my life is filled with joys and possibilities. I have been told that I have tied myself in knots, and I have heard, "You need to get out of your own way." For the umpteenth time, it has been suggested that I consider meditation in order to clear my mind. You can learn about meditation in many places. I've read articles and even a book on meditation. Today, I stumbled across this video by Sam Harris, who has long been an advocate of meditation. The fact that he is also well versed in cognitive science caused me to be interested in his approach to meditation. This is a 26 minute guided meditation. I found myself surprisingly able to hang onto the process and to escape some of the things that have been distracting me as I viewed this video. I'm going to come back to this several more times, while I continue to explore personal meditation.

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Virtual worlds inside of our heads

This morning, I found myself reveling in the representational capacity of brains. Here's an illustration: Sometimes I misplace an item such as my keys and I can't find them while physically walking around my house. Sometimes, frustrated, I pause my physical search. I sit down and close my eyes. Using only images, sounds and memories embedded in neural pathways in my head, I "see" that I had my keys when I last walked into my house. I "play" a series of short "videos" and "images" in my head reminding myself where I walked and what I touched. I run through the logic that I could NOT have left them in certain places, because I didn't go to those parts of the house, seeing images of them as I run through this logic? Then, perhaps, I "see" myself closing my car trunk while holding my briefcase. I'm now wondering--did I put the keys on top of the car for a second while closing the trunk? I go outside and there are the keys on top of the car. My mind contained detailed representations of my home and car, as well as episodic memories that, while imperfect, is often good enough. My neural pathways contain a virtual, somewhat explorable, world inside of my head. Although it is not perfect in all of its details, it is quite functional. It's a capability we use every day, drawing on the brain's extraordinary power to represent the world around us, allowing us to perform virtual manipulations of objects, "searching" our house while sitting down with our eyes closed. What type of magic is this that a 3 pound living organ can do this and so much more? How is it even possible that a system like this can spout up and train itself over a lifetime without a "person in the brain" to guide the process? And how is it possible that we experience consciousness on top of this amazing process? This is but one reason for my love of cognitive science. It's not my profession, but it is one of my passions to better understand this process that we so often take for granted.

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How many ancestors do you have?

How many ancestors do you have? This article is a delightful excursion into math and biology. I'm always fascinated to hear people over-focused on only that one twig of their family that carries their surname. Too bad we can put a button to see everyone related to us glow, the glow brighter based on how closely they are related to us. Would anyone NOT glow? Maybe such a fantasy device would make us less likely to start wars.

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