Texas “Intelligent Design” results not quite overwhelming enough.

Less than 1% of the 464 biology and biological anthropology faculty members who responded to a recent survey approved of the following proposition: “Modern evolutionary biology is mostly wrong. Life arose through multiple creation events by an intelligent designer, although evolution by natural selection played a limited role.” The biologists…

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Al Franken May Yet be a Senator

Did you think that the election was over? Nope. In the Minnesota Nov 4 Senate election, Al Franken (D) lost by 206 votes (out of almost 3 million). This close of a margin requires a hand recount. About 34,000 votes were rejected by machines (uncounted), primarily in Democrat-heavy districts. With this…

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Entropy’s Place In Evolution

This is a fine article on one of the basic misrepresentations of Creationists, namely their misuse of the concept of entropy in calling into question the possibility of systems evolving.  Real numbers, real science.  But really it also prompted me to realize that there is a basic argument against this…

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Sorry for the hiccup

DI was down for a couple hours early this afternoon.   Thanks to the smart guys at our hosting service to resurrect the site quickly. BTW, for those of you wondering about DI's traffic, during October, 2008, we had: 108,322 visits 72,012 unique visitors 396,280 pages downloaded. 1,053,050 files downloaded, and…

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We just elected not-Bush. Exhibit A: Obama’s policies regarding the Internet

Barack Obama is going to be a big change from George W. Bush, as you can see by reviewing his transition site: Change.gov.   It's gratifying to see the many enlightened changes that Barack Obama will be bringing to the way the government views and uses the Internet.   For example, he…

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