Sixteen Trillion Dollars; Sixteen Tons

Sixteen is a number that rings a bell for me, because when I was a boy I used to listen to a song called "Sixteen Tons." It was a coal miner song expressing the pain and futility of endless work without the possibility of getting out of debt. The song was made famous by Tennessee Ernie Ford: Now I see that the number sixteen has come back into the news in the context of banks. This time, sixteen refers to a secret deal arranged by our government to prop up huge corrupt banks to the tune of $16 trillion dollars. We, the taxpayers would never have approved this deal if it had been made out in the open.  Nonetheless, we are now subsidizing these too-big-to-fail institutions for as long as any of us will live, and further, we've piled huge amounts of this debt onto the backs of our children. It's all part of a new spin on "family values": dumping unimaginable amounts of debt on our children, "justifying" this by the fact that the people who run corrupt banks bought Congress and asked for for this money.   Now our children will have to try to work off endless corporate debt.  My image is that we've just signed them up to work an old-fashioned coal-miner's job of the type described by Tennessee Ernie Ford. Alan Grayson recently included me in a mass emailing, where he puts the number sixteen into context:

Dear Erich: The Government Accountability Office (GAO) says that our Government has handed out $16 trillion to the banks. Let me repeat that, in case you didn’t hear me the first time. The GAO says that our Government HAS HANDED OUT $16 TRILLION TO THE BANKS. That little gem appears on Page 131 of GAO Report No. GAO-11-696. A report issued two months ago. A report that somehow seems to have eluded the attention of virtually every network, every major newspaper, and every news show. How much is $16 trillion? That is an amount equal to more than $50,000 for every man, woman and child in America. That’s more than every penny that every American earns in a year. That’s an amount equal to almost a third of our national net worth -- the value of every home, car, personal belonging, business, bank account, stock, bond, piece of land, book, tree, chandelier, and everything else anyone owns in America. That’s an amount greater than our entire national debt, accumulated over the course of two centuries. A $16 trillion stack of dollar bills would reach all the way to the Moon. And back. Twice. That’s enough to pay for Saturday mail delivery. For the next 5,000 years. All of that money went from you and me to the banks. And we got nothing. Not even a toaster. I have been patiently waiting to see whether this disclosure would provoke some kind of reaction. Answer: nope. Everyone seems much more interested in discussing whether or not they like the cut of Perry’s jib. Whatever a jib may be. In the next few weeks, I’m going to be writing more about this. But right now, I wanted to keep this really simple. Just give folks something to talk about when they’re standing next to the coffee maker. The Government gave $16 trillion to the banks. And nobody else is talking about it. Think about it. Think about what that means. Courage, Alan Grayson

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Martian Anthropologist Field Notes #1

A few months ago, my Martian supervisor sent me here to gather notes on human animals. I randomly chose the United States as my research base. I've had a good time for me here on Earth--human animals can be quite hospitable--but lately I've become too confused to tell any coherent story based on my field notes. Therefore, I'm publishing my field notes here at Dangerous Intersection with the hope that some of you Earthlings might help me out.   It seems that my disorientation with human animals intensified after I began watching television. I am aware that there is a big election coming up, but even though it's more than a year away, the people on your television can't stop speculating about who might win; they keep speculating but they won't discuss the issues, and it keeps happening. Apparently, the people who run the television stations don't like most of the Republicans, so they spent weeks running stories about how a man who doesn't want to run might run.  In the above news show, they showed that man looking like a soldier.  Apparently, in America, one needs to act like he or she likes wars in order to be elected.  But after Mr. Christie made it really clear that he didn't want to try to be president, the TV show needed to get people excited about another story, and that's what really has me confused. A "Christian" man who believes in invisible people and people who are alive even after they died called another man crazy for believing in the same sorts of things.   The TV show called it "Breaking News," and they talked about it all afternoon today.   They said it over and over and over and over.  The news apparently kept "breaking."  The "Christian" man kept smirking and saying that the Mormon man named Romney was part of a "cult," because he believed in strange things. Both these men sound crazy to me, because I haven't seen any evidence of any of the things these men claim to be true as part of their "religions."  You equipped me with the finest scientific monitoring equipment, and I'm never seen evidence for invisible people, or virgins having babies, or people suddenly able to speak new languages, or angels.   Yet most of the people here talk as though these things make sense. After they talked and talked, they took a "commercial," where the TV station allows people to try to sell things.   The commercial that most puzzled me was the one telling people to burn lots of a dirty fuel called "coal."  And get this:  The commercial called it "clean coal," even though there is no such thing. The TV stations also keep talking about "Michael Jackson," even though he has been dead for years.   Perhaps they think he is one of those invisible people.   I'll need to keep working hard to gather data, so that I can get to the bottom of this. I'll keep working at this, and I will try to write a coherent report someday, but for now, I'm finding human animals quite disorienting.

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Corporate media blackout of Wall Street protest

The corporatocracy scores big today as the media it controls so very well mostly ignored a national protest of US Day of Rage protests. CNN, Fox and MSNBC ignored the protest, even though the crowd estimated to be in the thousands descended on Manhattan.   It was ignored even though the crowd was many times bigger than most Tea Party Rallies. The aim of the rally is expressed at a site called

We need to retake the freedom that has been stolen from the people, altogether.

  1. If you agree that freedom is the right to communicate, to live, to be, to go, to love, to do what you will without the impositions of others, then you might be one of us.
  2. If you agree that a person is entitled to the sweat of their brows, that being talented at management should not entitle others to act like overseers and overlords, that all workers should have the right to engage in decisions, democratically, then you might be one of us.
  3. If you agree that freedom for some is not the same as freedom for all, and that freedom for all is the only true freedom, then you might be one of us.
  4. If you agree that power is not right, that life trumps property, then you might be one of us.
  5. If you agree that state and corporation are merely two sides of the same oppressive power structure, if you realize how media distorts things to preserve it, how it pits the people against the people to remain in power, then you might be one of us.

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