I’m feeling bittersweet because people are stealing credit for my work
A couple months ago, I took the time to shoot, edit and publish a Youtube video on a protest of the Bank of America in St. Louis. I was surprised that the traffic was relatively modest (less than 1,000 views). I had designated the video to be Creative Commons - Attribution. Now I find out that my video has gone wild on the Internet--almost 100,000 views, but it's because at least two individuals have taken my video, chopped off the information where I identify it as my work, and failed to give me any credit for my work on their Youtube uploads (I'm not going to share their links because, frankly I'm not happy about this). Instead, here is my post, and here is my upload, the only one out there where you can see the entire video, including the credits. Yes, I'm honored that my video has taken off, and I'm glad that it has become part of the national dialogue. I wasn't trying to make any money off of this video (in fact, there is no advertising at Dangerous Intersection--I decided six month ago to fund all hosting fees--any ad you see on my site will be a donation by me to that cause). Yet I'm sorely disappointed that multiple people are willing to chop my name off of my video and present my work as their own.