More on sport as religion.

Back in early August, Jason wrote a post that declared sports the United States' national religion. At the time, I took Jason's observation as (slightly embittered) hyperbole about our cultural landscape's infatuation with passtimes that achieve absolutely nothing productive. A bit of an excessive rant, thought I, a mere illustration…

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The Gardener of Eden

I know who Mrs. Cain was.  We don't talk about her or her family much, but things just wouldn't have been paradise without her or them. She was one of the many illegal immigrants in Paradise that did the actual work of tending the Garden of Eden--you know, the hoeing,…

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Just On The Chance We May Be Wrong…

The Bill passed by congress on the detainee and interrogation issue is one of the more frustrating examples of Democratic cowardice and political expedience.  It does not substantively change anything.  Personally, I feel the only utility in having a law in the first place is to use as a cudgel…

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Freethinker quotes of the day

I noticed this quote at Freedom from Religion Foundation: “The God of the Christians is a father who is a great deal more concerned about his apples than he is about his children.” -- Diderot, French writer, philosopher (1713-1784), Addition aux Pensees philosophiques, c. 1762 FFRF is a site that…

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Focus of religious organization: Ban all birth control

All forms of birth control are immoral, according to many Christian conservatives.  We’ve previously written about this absurd position here and here. The Chicago Tribune recently reported on a formal conservative effort to prohibit all forms of birth control: Emboldened by the anti-abortion movement's success in restricting access to abortion, an increasingly vocal…

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