Every Single Person is Unique

I absolutely agree with Glenn Greenwald here. I would further add that there are no homogeneous groupings at all. To suggest otherwise is to start down the slippery slope to identity politics. Even the members of tight-knit families are dramatically different from each other, which can be seen when you take the time to get to known them as individuals.

And why is it that we leave out people from low-earning people without college degrees when we claim the need for "diversity"? I believe that it is because it is perfectly OK to treat low-earning working class people without college degrees as pariahs in modern society--just try to find some of them in featured roles on TV shows and movies. The heroes live in fancy apartments and they wear expensive clothes.

Even one step further, which member of the working class. They are not all the same. If you take the time to get to know people who don't earn much money this is indisputably clear.

One more for now: what about viewpoint diversity? When we speak of having a "diverse" environment, that is overlooked, often intentionally, I believe, because it blows apart the notion that merely recruiting a "woman of color" into the conversation would be a meaningful way to achieve true diversity.

How many people are there on the planet? Seven billion? There are seven billion types of people on this planet.

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A Growing Collection: News Media Not Wanting Us to Know Important Things

I will be adding items to this list, apparently for a long time. I was provoked to create this list after reading Andrew Sullivan's collection of topics that the left-leaning news media works hard to not cover. I'll begin this list up here in a post and then continue adding items in the comments.

This list begins today, with this entry by Batya Ungar-Sargon coupled with this NYP article, "Journalists today aren’t muckrakers — they are defenders of the liberal elite":

[Added Dec 5, 2021]

They treat us like toddlers who are incapable of hearing the facts and coming to our own conclusions.

Glenn Greenwald:

In the last 18 months, US political discourse has been mass-censored over significant issues based on 2 lies:

1) The Biden email archive was "Russian disinformation."

2) The Science™ had proven COVID was zoonotic rather than from a lab.

Both lies led to widespread repression.

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A Few Questions about Race

I enthusiastically support Glenn Loury's Substack. He often discusses race issues with John McWhorter. Glenn invited questions for their upcoming question and answer session. Here is my question. I hope they have time to address it on their Q & A:

Here’s a hypothetical for the two of you.

Assume that God visits the United States next Tuesday. After sizing things up, God performs a miracle. He/She/They decide to make it impossible for anyone to know the “race” of anyone else. There are no longer any physical or historical ways to determine the “race” of any people you meet. Two questions: What % of people would like this new world? What % would be distressed because they no longer have a quick proxy for judging the character of others? I suspect that some people doing DEI work will get upset because they will lose their jobs. Some people will get busy trying to determine new immutable characteristics upon which to judge the characteristics of other people—perhaps astrology and phrenology theories will again flourish. In the midst of all this panic, distress and commotion of this non-racial reckoning, the news media reports that someone (race unknown) murders 15 people (race unknown). Many people watching the news reports don’t know whether to give a shit in the absence of “racial” information.

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Democrat Media Goes Radio-Silent after Joe Biden Adopts Donald Trump’s Immigration Policy

The content of this thread following Glenn Greenwald's Tweet is exactly what we should expect to get more of as long as so many of us continue relishing two-party tribalism rather than engaging in nuanced heterodox thinking. Read the thread and you will find cheap theater staged by Rachel Maddow and AOC on this issue. Too many of us are working in overtime to score cheap political points instead of working to have meaningful discussions regarding complex issues. The HxA way would be a good start.  

Looking back  only 18 months . . .

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