Marty Makary Counts the Many Ways the Federal Government Failed Us During COVID
Marty Makary, MD, testifying before Congress:
More tragically, the NIH has $42 billion. BARDA, which is part of the PAHPA Act, has another billion dollars and they couldn't do the most basic clinical research we needed done quickly to answer the basic questions to end the controversies and the conspiracy theories to finally get up the questions Americans were asking us: How does it spread? Is it from touching surfaces? Do I need to pour 20 gallons of alcohol on my groceries? Fauci was telling teachers in July to wear gloves and goggles. Or was it spread airborne? That could have been answered in 24 hours in one of our BSL4 labs? Or in one week of clinical research to answer the question: When are you most contagious? What's the peak day of viral shedding? How long do you have you have to quarantine for? Do masks work? We could have answered these with definitive basic clinical research early. They didn't.
And so I think it's fair to ask how did they do in preparing us? For the pandemic? We've spent over $20 billion on PAHPA over the last 20 years. What has that done for us? How many lives were saved during the COVID pandemic because of investments by PAHPA or BARDA? Now, they've done some good work. I've seen it. But regardless of one's political affiliation, they've got to acknowledge that we doctors in the public were flying blind. We had opinion ruling the day on what we should do or not do when we could have been governed by evidence. Policy driven by good basic clinical research. We didn't have that. And so we had a void of clinical research. And guess what filled that void over half a year? A year? Two years? What filled that void were political opinions. Those controversies could have been ended early. We had the money.