It’s Time to Line Up to Take Your Unsafe and Ineffective Booster

Imagine, if you can, a country that pushed potentially dangerous medicine on its population without any evidence that it is effective. Vinay Prasad:

Years ago, a famous scientist told me “I am going to have a problem when they recommend 23 boosters over 22 boosters without a randomized study”

I laughed. No one would ever do that, I thought.

Yet, that day steadily approaches.

This week, the FDA authorized a new fall COVID booster. This was done without any studies measuring the impact on severe disease or hospitalization or death. Worse, the viral target was chosen by Peter Marks, against advice, and is already out of date.

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Why We Should Train and Hire Doctors Solely on Merit

Stefan Schubert reports on a new study showing that low-quality doctors hurt patients and cost all of us a lot of money.

This is why we should train and hire solely on merit, not on anything else. Not on DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). See, further, this article on the importance of merit.. "In Defense of Merit in Science."

[Added 2:30pm Aug 15]

John Lafebre offers this graphic:

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Statistics Concerning Double-Mastectomies Motivated by “Gender-Affirming Care.”

This tsunami of "gender-affirming" double-mastectomies of children is one of the most horrific medical scandals in history. It's happening right here and right now in the United Stated. And the fact that corporate media suppresses information regarding this butchery of children is one of the greatest scandals in journalism. From this article by Leon Sapir:

The U.S. is one of the few Western countries where minors can receive gender surgeries, according to a new report. Teens under 18 cannot undergo double mastectomy in Belgium, Finland, Germany, Luxemburg, Sweden, the U.K., and three Canadian provinces. Countries that allow these procedures typically do so only in “rare cases,” after age 16, and with parental consent. In the U.S., WPATH Standards of Care, Version 8, widely followed and endorsed by the Biden administration, specifies no age minimums for gender surgeries, with the exception of phalloplasty (but even that can be performed if “significant, compelling reasons” exist to do so). In June, unsealed court documents revealed that WPATH eliminated age minimums for political reasons, and under pressure from U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine, a transgender woman.

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