Almost impossible to overstate how wrong so many news corporations were on the science of covid:
- lab leak as conspiracy
- efficacy of lockdown
- harmlessness of school closures
- recovered immunity
- toddler masking
- vax mandates
A perfect record of anti- science failure.
What is the function of the major news media corporations? Too often, it's not to tell us what is happening. Rather, it's to tell us what to think. Here's a recent case discussed by Aaron Mate and Katie Halper on Useful Idiots.
Sept 30, 2022 - White house denies U.S. involvement in destroying the pipeline. Accuses the Russians of lying. Claims that Russia destroyed its own pipeline. Mass Media gaslights U.S. Citizens that Russia purportedly blew up its own pipeline (see video below).
There are many metaphors and memes circulating which seek to capture the self-evident evil and corruption which all but those blinded by “Mass Formation” and the massive FifthGen Warfare PsyOps campaign which has been deployed upon the entire world over the last three years. Of all of these, the simple binaries of heaven and hell, God and the Devil seem to distill it all down into a black, bilious bitter liquor which has withstood the test of time. Speaking for myself, I am caught between the banal and the profoundly spiritual as I survey this twenty first century information battlescape.
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