6 out of 10 Iraqis approve of attacks on U.S. troops

In past months, President Bush has repeatedly touted the "good news" whenever the Iraqi people displayed their purple fingers with big smiles and exercised their right to vote.  Bush argued that we should trust in the voice of the Iraqi people. As far as I know, Mr. Bush hasn't acknowledged this…

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Bush refuses to answer whether he held any meeting regarding Bin Laden for 9 months after Clinton left office

Here’s the video. Lots of heat and no light.  That seems to be Bush's strategy these days.  He gets himself all bent out of shape over a question that was not asked. I’ll translate the gibberish you hear out of Bush’s mouth: “Did I hold any such meetings? No.” What…

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My limited vision.

A Young Earth Creationist with whom I often discourse pities me my small view of the universe. You see, I apparently cannot see the vast immensity and perfection of a 7,000 year old universe created and micromanaged by a spoiled-child-like deity. He is sure that I cannot conceive of how time might mean different things to God than to man. Or how mutually exclusive states of being (God and Man) might have existed simultaneously and yet separately in a single organism here on Earth about 2,000 years ago, and never anywhere else.

My tiny universe is about 15,000,000,000 years old, and I watch it unfurl from a curdled cloud of mesons and quarks to chill and congeal into lumpy proton soup in a quark broth. As it cools it further clumps into first generation stars that are huge, bright, and short-lived: On the order of 10 million years from ignition (when fusion begins) until explosion (when the Hydrogen-Helium cycle breaks down, and gravity collapses it into a mild nova that creates more Helium, and a few of the other light elements. Much of the residue clouds of these stars collect into clusters of smaller stars , galaxies. When they burn out and die, they form and expel the whole periodic table in the hotter, tighter crucibles of their bright supernovae. Then these clouds condense and we get third generation stars, like our sun. The remnants around it also cluster into smaller chunks that are not heavy enough to sustain fusion, …


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Why Americans think Democrats are weak

Take a look at this Ellis Weiner post on Huffpo. His main point?  He claims that something has been long overlooked, despite its current obviousness: The reason Americans think the Democratic Party is "weak on terror" or "weak on security" is because Democrats don't stand up to Republicans. Could anything…

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The Onion and the transubstantiation

Rather than describe The Onion's most recent sacrilege, you can take a look here.  Remember, if you so much as smirk, you will have paved your own ultimate path to hell.  I've written very little on the doctrine of the transubstantiation, the topic of this Onion article.  This surprises me, because the…

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