Idyllic Youth

The other day I heard a local talk show host, bemoaning a recent case of child molestation involving a 14-year-old and a 5-year-old, wax problematic on how times have gotten so harsh for kids, that he wished we could return to a "time when kids could just be kids.  Could…

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Nakedness For A Better World

Have you ever noticed that certain people who drive Very Large Vehicles tend to drive slower than everyone else?  I followed a 4X4 pick-up truck of epic proportions this morning and the driver crawled along at just under 25 miles an hour on a 35 mph street.  He--there's only one…

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We Should All Be Messiahs

There may be little original in this post, but then, there seems to be little original in its subject.  It's just that, well, no one, or not many, manage to say the obvious. I was sitting before my tv the other day watching Dune.  The SciFi Channel version, not that…

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How Did Noah’s Flood Deposit the Iridium Layer?

I've been spending (wa-ay too much) time today reading various news reports about the new Answers In Genesis Museum. In the blog responses to some of these reports I see mostly relief that someone has finally created this museum to tell the truth about Young Earth Creationism. As opposed to…

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Creation in Covington

A friend from Kentucky recently sent me this local newspaper column about the soon-to-be-opened Creation Museum in Covington, Kentucky (just across the river from Cincinnati, Ohio). This museum aims to counteract the secular lies about how old the Earth really is, and to show that only the Bible has a…

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