Throw away those little plastic flag pins and start being true patriots!

Paul Slansky is frustrated that conservatives have captured the American Flag as their symbol. The emblem of the country's highest aspirations was mindlessly ceded to the holier-than-thou zealots who used it as a bludgeon against the less fanatical. Here's Slansky's solution: Progressives should take the American Flag back by displaying…

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Let there be hecklers

It’s difficult to watch hecklers, even when you agree with them. On a superficial level they are rude. By interrupting formal speeches they are preventing the officially designated speaker from delivering his or her message. But what alternatives do we have when modern-day powerful politicians carefully exclude people who disagree…

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Internet for everyone? Why not?

Here's a terrific article by Tim Karr of Free Press.  Why not exert some intelligent political will and make certain that blistering high-speed broadband is available to anyone who wants it at a reasonable price?   Karr's article comes with some disturbing statistics: Access to broadband today is held in the…

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Pournography and Denial

I was surprised yesterday to find a post by Jerry Pournelle (well known SF author and technology columnist) on MensNewsDaily (a starkly conservative news magazine site with pretensions of middle-of-the-roadism). His column, Intelligent Design: Answers and Questions, is openly favorable to the premise that Intelligent Design and Global Warming denial…

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