American Universities as Black-Ops Leading the Way on Censorship

Mike Benz explains: At min 5, he pulls up, which he describes as the only substantive difference between the U.S. and North Korea or China or Russia. All of these do less censorship than the U.S. At, we can actually see what our government is paying to each university to do its censorship. Simply plug in "misinformation," then read and weep. "We don't have a fucking First Amendment anymore." The government merely pays our universities to do its censorship. "Funded by the underbutt of the Pentagon."

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Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Where are the Studies?

Aaron Siri's Testimony before the New Hampshire House Committee.

The University of Jackson department of epidemiology did a study small based on surveys, showed that vaccinated kids at 30 times the rate of rhinitis is unvaccinated, 3.9 times the rate of allergy, ADHD four times, autism, asthma, learning disability, neurodevelopmental disorder.

So this is actually one of the only few Vax versus un-Vax studies I'm aware of, and the findings on it are startling. And if the health department can certainly take shots, I mean, you can take shots at any epidemiological, so you can say, well, you know, it's based on parental recall, it's based on surveys, is your health, you know, how random is your sampling? Sure, you could do that, but you could take shots at it, but a lot of credit goes to these scientists who stick their neck out to do this study without NIH funding and knowing they're going to get creamed for doing it. That's incredible they actually did it, frankly. More incredible it exists in any public literature. Long story short, there's no studies that rebut this. In terms of the scope of the harm.

So we've looked at what harms might be caused by vaccines, schools of pharma companies. We've looked at the fact that they failed to study them. And we've looked at what some of the evidence that might show what the health outcomes, what the impact might be of this increasing vaccine schedule. How many people are harmed potentially? What's, you know, to get an indication of that, a signal, we could look at theirs and I'm going to 2019 pre-pandemic.

And this is the number of reports of to VAERS of serious issues, death, permanent disability, hospitalizations, emergency office visits. And I will point out that back then, there was a federal government study conducted by Harvard, it found that fewer than 1% of adverse events were reported to VAERS. I think it's probably increased since COVID because people are more aware of VAERS now. But if you, you know, this is terrible science, by the way, what I just did. Terrible science. I just say that right now. But if it's 1%, okay, so let's multiply that by 100. I'm not saying these numbers are right. I'm making clear. This is terrible science. But this is kind of the best approximation I have. Somebody's got a better study, I'll take it. I'm happy to look at that data.

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How to Detoxify the U.S. Health System

Bret Weinstein: "The COVID story reveals the corruption of science, it reveals the corruption of journalism, it reveals the corruption of the university structure. And the consequences are tangible, right? We know people who were injured. It's amazing that we can identify people in our own lives who are actually injured by this, right? This is a an amazing level of harm. So in any case, either one of those is good enough to realize that the entire system has been corrupted and it needs a reboot.. An absolute reboot. And it's not stopping. It doesn't learn. It has no, it's lost stability to learn. It refuses to learn. Refuses to learn. It has educated us. Right. The number of us, you know, the number of doctors I know who were vaccine advocates five years ago and have now become skeptics because they've looked into adjuvants, they've looked into the mRNA platform and they know that the world that they thought they lived in isn't a real place is shocking."

The biggest question of all is how to fix this deeply intransigent thoroughly corrupt system: a cozy monied alliance of industry/government/media that vilifies and financially ruins knowledgable insiders who want to speak up to warn us?

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Hillary Clinton Fretting that “We Lose Total Control”

Hillary Clinton fretting: " . . . we lose total control." This short clip is surreal.

My reactions:

1. Who is "we"?

2. Since when is it the job of government to control the thoughts and communications of the citizens?

3. Repeal of Section 230 is transparently a ploy to incentivize a lot more censorship.

4. Who loses with more censorship? Those who believe that the power to run this country should reside with the citizens, not the politicians, the administrative state or the national security state.

5. If Elon Musk handed the U.S. power to censor X (like Google/Youtube and FB have done), they would drop this 230 threat in a heartbeat.

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U.S. Funded Censors Hide in the Shadows

If our government were proud of how it is spewing propaganda and muzzling Americans, why is it going to great lengths to hide what it is doing from concerned citizens and their representatives. Matt Taibbi did a deep dive in his most recent article, titled FOIA Files: "Arizona State UniversityOur latest FOIA disclosures reveal that the Department of State was issuing grants to "anti-disinformation" researchers at ASU."

Our latest Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) results show that the university has done significant work on “disinformation” for the State Department. But of what sort? Back in January, Gabe Kaminsky of The Washington Examiner reported that the State Department’s Global Engagement Center (GEC) had given three direct awards to ASU. But the redacted documents uncovered by Kaminsky don’t explain the purpose of the awards.

Last month, the House Committee on Small Business released a report that details the lengths to which the GEC has gone to evade congressional oversight. The committee sent the GEC a subpoena in June, only to be told that it would take the State Department another twenty-one months to produce the requested documents.

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