Bill Cosby discusses Barack Obama

Upbeat roundtable by Meet the Press, featuring comedian/author Bill Cosby, Congresswoman Maxine Watters, Adrian Fenty (Mayor of Washington D.C.) and Alvin F. Poussaint.  Cosby and Poussaint have co-authored a book entitled Come On, People: on the Path from Victims to Victors (2007).   The main theme of this roundtable is what…

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I saw a nipple.

While walking to the Missouri State Court of Appeals today, I thought I saw a nipple.

Then I got closer . . . I DID! I DID see a nipple!There it was, prominently displayed in a building housing a prestigious courthouse, a court run by the government of the "Show Me" state of Missouri!!

Now, that’s odd … A prominent agency of my federal government (the FCC) is spending huge sums of money trying to punish a TV network for displaying a part of a nipple of Janet Jackson. My state government is simultaneously and shamelessly displaying that same forbidden body part.

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Dale McGowan Came to Town

Actually, Dale "Parenting Beyond Belief" McGowan spent his first 10 years here. On his blog, "The Meming of Life" he has a speaking schedule posted. When he posted a solid date in my town, I posted about it and sent emails. So yesterday I drove out to the local Humanist…

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So Much Bigotry, So Little Time to Banish it . . .

Just when I think we're making progress, we go and pull the one-step-forward-ten-steps-back trick.  First, a friend tells me about how her daughter was treated recently in a suburb of New York City.  The daughter is 17 and African-American, although my friend is Caucasian.  Her daughter was adopted from Sierre…

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