Dylan Ratigan discusses Trade, Taxes and Banking laws, the main causes of job loss

Dylan Ratigan states that there are three main reasons for the lack of jobs: Trade, Taxes, and Banking.

To create real jobs, a country must have more money coming in than going out. But we have the exact opposite, with much more money going out that we have coming in. Until we reverse that trillion-dollar trend, it is mathematically impossible to create sustainable jobs.
Politicians talk a lot about jobs, but they do very little to change trade, taxes and banking to promote American jobs. Ratigan offers three short videos to indicate what American politicians need to do to promote Trade, Taxes and Banking to halt the "extraction" of American wealth and jobs. Here is a condensed version of the above, Dylan Ratigan's somewhat famous "rant."

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So-called debates

Just look at what passes for a "debate" to "help" Americans choose their next president. Bob Cesca is aghast:

[T]hat's exactly what CNN put on the other night. A game show. The cable news media has gone from simply cracking gaming and sports metaphors to actually becoming a game, with politicians as the contestants and a rotating guest panel of snickering propagandists and "analysts" as the judges. The only difference is that contestants on traditional game shows are held accountable when they answer incorrectly -- they're penalized monetarily or eliminated from the game altogether. But our cable news game show hosts just move on to the next question, so, in this regard, Wink Martindale might be a tougher moderator than Wolf Blitzer. I'm not sure if CNN knows it, but nearly everyone across the political spectrum thought the CNN presentation of the debate was ridiculously self-satirical

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