Support for legalization of marijuana is at an all time high

According to Think Progress: "New polling released by Gallup today finds that 50 percent of Americans now support marijuana legalization, while 46 percent of Americans oppose it." And at LEAP, "Pro-Legalization Cops Cheer Marijuana Reform Election Results."

Norm Stamper, former Seattle police chief, had this to say: “I cannot tell you how happy I am that after forty years of the racist, destructive exercise in futility that is the war on drugs, my home state of Washington has now put us on a different path. There are people who have lost today: drug cartels, street gangs, those who profit from keeping American incarceration rates the highest in the world. For the rest of us, however, this is a win. It’s a win for taxpayers. It’s a win for police. It’s a win for all those who care about social justice. This is indeed a wonderful day.”

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Onion: Nation is shocked to learn that a bloody war is occurring in Afghanistan

The headline from The Onion: "Nation Horrified To Learn About War In Afghanistan While Reading Up On Petraeus Sex Scandal."

WASHINGTON—As they scoured the Internet for more juicy details about former CIA director David Petraeus’ affair with biographer Paula Broadwell, Americans were reportedly horrified today upon learning that a protracted, bloody war involving U.S. forces is currently raging in the nation of Afghanistan.

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Cursive is crumbling

It's long overdue, but cursive writing is losing its grip, so to speak.

Hawaii is joining several states across the country that are dropping cursive writing from mandatory school curriculum . . . The Aloha state has adopted for this school year the national Common Core State Standards, a set of education standards that omits cursive but includes keyboard proficiency.

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