About Our Societal Death Spiral . . .

Gad Saad writes:

A fundamental question that I ask people when I'm gauging their intellectual honesty is to describe for me what the evidence would need to look like in order for them to alter a given position that they hold. With that in mind, is there any reality that would cause the West to snap out of its parasitic ideological rapture and implement the necessary cataclysmic auto-corrective measures? If yes, we must still have some hope to hold on to. If not, it is going to be a painful death spiral.

Let's start by trying to convince people to use basic induction to convince them that A = A. That would be a good start. It's the basis for the Rule of Law.

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Nurse Investigated by FBI for Exposing Fraudulent Transgender Program

Vanessa Sivadge, a nurse at Texas Children's Hospital admitted that she was the anonymous whistleblower who helped (along with Dr. Eithan Haim) expose a secret transgender medicine program taking place at the hospital. She writes:

I knew what Dr. Haim reported to be true because I worked in the endocrine clinic, and had first-hand knowledge of patients being prescribed puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones despite the hospital repeatedly and publicly denying the program's existence.

Texas Children's Hospital is using Medicaid to cover transgender treatments and cross-sex hormones. I know this because I saw it. Medicaid specifically prohibits any coverage of hormones related to transgender medicine, and yet the hospital for years has continued to prescribe and use hormonal therapies for transgender Medicaid patients. In addition, I saw examples of doctors who intentionally misdiagnosed patients for the purpose of justifying cross-sex hormones for transgender patients to get around state law.

Soon after I anonymously came forward to corroborate Dr. Haim, two agents from the FBI came to my home and threatened me. They and told me they were aware of my strong views against "gender-affirming care” and asked to recruit my help in order to expose Dr. Haim. They said they could make my life difficult, and said I was not safe unless I helped them. I felt scared, intimidated, and overwhelmed.

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Exhibit A: How the Corporate Media Gaslights You

Matt Orfalea has created another excellent mashup, this one featuring the severe cognitive impairment of Joe Biden combined with eerily uniform corporate media commentary that Joe Biden is "sharp."

Youtube version:

How is it possible for all of these "news" outlets to chime in unison?

As George Carlin stated, "You don't need a formal conspiracy when interests converge."

And oops! Axios says the quiet part out loud:

Finally, to the crowd that admits that the CIA has intensely meddled in domestic politics, including election integrity, in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80, 90s, 00s and 10s, but that they are now well behaved,  here's yet another tantalizing possibility: Operation Mockingbird.

Operation Mockingbird is a real thing and it manipulated millions of Americans.

I'll end with a few disturbing modern-day stories by Tucker Carlson ...

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