How many lies did the Bush Administration tell in the 2 years prior to the Iraq invasion?

The Center for Public Intergrity has now added them up.  There were 935 lies from high-ranking Bush officials.  All of them designed to convince us to invade Iraq for no good reason.  Here's a summary: The study counted 935 false statements in the two-year period. It found that in speeches, briefings, interviews…

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Karl Rove to be this year’s commencement speaker at prominent boarding school.

Here's the announcement by Choate Rosemary Hall in Wallingford, Connecticut, that the "influential" Mr. Rove will inspire the class of '08 with his words at this year's graduation.  Is everyone at the school happy with that announcement?   Not at all, as Marty Kaplan explains.  

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How many more bars of soap will I buy before I die?

Today, I find myself wondering how many more bars of soap I will buy before I die.  How many more bars of soap will I buy ever?  What brought this on? I recently went to Costco.  I needed soap and Costco sells big packs of soap at a good price. …

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More cartoons from around the world.   Note:  DI is proud to support these artists through our subscription through Cagle Cartoons.  All cartoons are reprinted with full permission. Contaminación fatal col Arcadio Esquivel, La Prensa, Panama                   Metamorphosis Angel Boligan, Cagle Cartoons, El Universal, Mexico City   Two Iraqi…

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