What College Professors Think About Free Speech on Campus – 2022 Research

FIRE's new research regarding the ways university faculty think of free speech. Some of the findings:

- More than half of faculty (52%) reported being worried about losing their jobs or reputation because someone misunderstands something they have said or done, takes it out of context, or posts something from their past online. Almost three-quarters of conservative faculty (72%), 56% of moderate faculty, and 40% of liberal faculty reported feeling this way.

- A significant portion of faculty (ranging from 18% to 36%) endorsed their college’s administration launching a formal investigation into other faculty members for their controversial expression.

- Roughly one-third (34%) of faculty said they often feel they can not express their opinions on a subject because of how students, colleagues, or the administration would respond, compared to one-fifth of students surveyed for FIRE’s CFSR.

- The percentages of faculty who said they were very or extremely likely to self-censor in different contexts ranged from 25% (in academic publications) to 45% (on social media). Only 8% of all faculty said they do not self-censor in any of the four contexts asked about.

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YouTube to Artist: You Cannot Sing Your Anti-Vax Song, and Further, We Won’t Allow You to Post Any of Your Songs!

Kylan deGhetaldi is musician who is highly critical of the efficacy of the COVID jabs. He wrote and performed an anti-vax song expressing his criticisms, titling it "mRNA (Speed of Science)." His song became popular, quickly accruing more than 100,000 views. In reaction, YouTube deleted ENTIRE 16-year channel with hundreds of videos. Here the video, which you can view on Odysee, not Youtube.

Speaking of musicians, Melissa Etheridge recently sat for this interview with FIRE on censorship and music.

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Naomi Wolf Notices the Ubiquitous Lack of Courage to Tell the Truth

Gut wrenching essay about the conspicuous lack of truth-telling by Naomi Wolf. She names many names. Will they listen? Do they care? Her article is called "The Death of Culture: How Lies Killed Books." An Excerpt:

The bizarre thing about this moment in culture, is that the really important journalism, and the really important nonfiction books about the history, the racial and gender injustice, the economics, the public policy, of the “pandemic” years — are being written by — non-writers; by people who are trained as doctors, medical researchers, lawyers, politicians, and activists.

And their books are not displayed or even stocked in bookstores such as Jackson McNally.

So there is a massive hole in the central thought process of our culture.

The courageous non-writers have stepped in to tell the truth, because the famous writers, for the most part, can’t.

Or won’t. Or, for whatever reason, didn’t.

This is because the public intellectuals are by necessity, for the most part, AWOL to the truth-telling demands of this time.

You cannot be a public intellectual whose work is alive, if you have participated in manufacturing, or even accepting quietly, state-run lies.

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What it Takes to Get a High Paying Job in Corporate Media

Yes, Jen Psaki will do well at MSNBC. "Doing Well" means saying whatever it takes to please her corporate masters, who also pull the strings at the DNC.

Whether it's FOX on the right or left-leaning corporate media, the product is the viewers, who are being played.  BTW, here is a list of dozens of countries where the United States has interfered with democratic and constitutional election choices by the citizens of those other countries.

Psaki is no longer at the White House, but she will do what it takes to succeed at MSNBC, which is promoting her as follows:

Those who really know Nicolle Wallace know that this comparison is vicious. Wallace was the focus of a 2022 article by Glenn Greenwald: "The Typhoid Mary of Disinformation": Nicolle Wallace. Nobody Spreads it More Relentlessly: From her days as Bush/Cheney propagandist, to her stint on The View, to her role as beloved-by-Democrats MSNBC host, Wallace has perfected the art of sociopathic lying. Watch our original video."

Wallace has employed those personality traits in service of the most toxic and insidious of all tasks: a happy, relentless purveyor of official disinformation. When the CIA wants the American public contaminated with its lies and disinformation, Nicolle Wallace's lips begin moving. She delivers the anonymous disinformation campaigns of the U.S. security state with a tone of empathy, compassion, and liberal elegance, all in the language and with the affectations which affluent liberals most admire.

She has an unsurpassed ability to broadcast to audiences outright lies whispered to her by Deep State operatives — one after the next — without flinching or betraying the slightest sense of a conscience or moral compass. She lies like only a sociopath can: exuding charm and warmth yet utterly vacant on the inside, except for a soul festering in rot. Over the last twenty years — from her perches at the White House, on The View, and now at MSNBC — nobody has made liberals eat up Pentagon and neocon war propaganda more eagerly and uncritically than Nicolle Wallace.

There is literally not a single liberal/CIA disinformation campaign over the last six years that she did not fully and uncritically embrace. Each time the U.S. Security State and Democratic Party fabricated blatant lies and embarked on injecting their poisonous brew into the American bloodstream, Nicolle Wallace was at the forefront. Using the skills she harnessed to help lead Americans into one of its most destructive and immoral wars in U.S. history — the invasion and 15-year destruction of Iraq — the former Bush/Cheney shill, now a DNC and CIA shill, has played a starring role in virtually every lie American liberals have been led to believe.

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