Huxley’s Prediction

Huxley clearly saw it coming:

"Under the relentless thrust of accelerating over-population and increasing over-organization, and by means of ever more effective methods of mind-manipulation, the democracies will change their nature . . . the quaint old forms... elections, parliaments, supreme courts and all the rest... will remain.

The underlying substance will be a new kind of Totalitarianism. All the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly like they were in the good old days. Democracy & freedom will be the theme of every broadcast & editorial, Meanwhile, the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite will quietly run the show as they see fit."

—Aldous Huxley, 1962

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COVID Concerns for Children aged 5 – 18

Imagine a world where we are getting numbers like the following, where politicians, corporate media and public health officials consciously ignored them. And imagine a world where these numbers represent the lives of human beings.

From Steve Kirsch's article of October 13, 2024: "US data shows COVID vaccinated kids 5 - 18 die at a 5.7X higher rate than their unvaccinated peers: Comorbidity differences perhaps? Nah, I'm not buying it and I'll show you why. Also, new New Zealand FOIA results show a 5X increase in < age 40 in cardiac ER calls post vax rollout!"

Post vaccine rollout we have credible reports of

Death rates:

5.6X higher deaths in vaccinated kids vs. unvaccinated kids (Yang paper)

20X increase in death rates (Pastrana)

20X increase in death rates (Detroit Police officer)

Cardiac arrest calls:

5X increase in cardiac ER calls in those aged <40 years old in New Zealand (NZ FOIA)

10X increase in cardiac arrest called (Harry Fisher)

Myocarditis cases:

100X increase in myocarditis cases (Pastrana)

A well over 10X increase in myocarditis cases in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated kids (Oxford study)

Aortic aneurysm:

700X increase in aortic aneurysm cases (Harry Fisher)

I’m told by experts that these are all coincidences and to get my shot.

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Censors as Identity Thieves

These censors are insidiously injection-molding your brain. They are existential identity thieves--secretly derailing you, forbidding you from organically becoming the person you were meant to be. In the aggregate, what they are doing is akin to mass murder and the corporate media and the DNC are cheerleading them on. The censorship-industrial complex denies us our unalienable rights to our own Lives, our own Liberty and the Pursuit of our Own happiness. It is all so disgustingly anti-American.

Mike Benz:

I'm standing in front of the global capital of Internet censorship. This is the venture capital arm of the censorship industry. You see, we have a censorship industrial complex, but the heart of it is the industry, the money. That's what makes it work. That's how you get 10s of thousands, hundreds of thousands. Now, at this point, worldwide, full time professional sensors, whose job is to monitor social media, propose censorship solutions, implement censorship techniques, and all of it is funded by this building right here.

And I'm calling on speaker Mike Johnson, as soon as this election passes, should Republicans keep the house. I'm calling on you to set up a special subcommittee for protecting digital speech against government abuse, so that we have an institutionalized Gang of Eight who is capable of taking apart the censorship industry limb by limb, in terms of its government funding. Every single NGO. Every single university. Every single private sector, censorship mercenary firm. Every single fact checker. Every single media organization that's getting money from the National Science Foundation, the Pentagon, the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the Justice Department, USAID, the National Endowment for Democracy.

This building has allowed an octopus to grow, and I will tell you for having spoken to innumerable members of Congress who want to do the right thing. There are so many of these programs, and they go by so many different camouflage names. They're not called censorship grants and programs. They'll be called "digital resilience" or "media literacy," or "information integrity" or "countering disinformation."

But it's not countering it by counter-speech. It's censorship. It's remove, reduce, inform. Ban or suspend. Apply friction techniques like shadow ban, search recommendation bans, demonetization, virality circuit breakers or permanent fact check interstitials that are designed to kill virality and feed into the algorithm for deboosting. It's all censorship. It's all funded by the building behind me. And this can all be stopped, but we need eight educated members of Congress to man a panel to do investigations, subpoenas, transcribed interviews and hearings, and we need a brave Speaker of the House who's willing to set that up. Mike Johnson, I'm calling on you.

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Jonathan Rauch: In Support or Traditional Liberalism

Jonathan Rauch gives a full-throated support of liberalism in "Why You Should Feel Good About Liberalism: We need to get better at standing up for the greatest social technology ever devised."

What do we (or at least I) mean by liberalism?

Not progressivism or moderate leftism, as the term came to mean in postwar U.S. discourse. Rather, liberalism in the tradition of Locke, Kant, and the Founders. It is not one idea but a family of ideas with many variants. Its central philosophy is that all persons are born free and equal. Its operational principles include the rule of law, pluralism, toleration, minority rights, distributed authority, limited government, and (subject to the other requirements) democratic decision-making. Its distinctive method of social organization is to rely on impersonal rules and open-ended, decentralized processes to make collective decisions.

Embodying those notions are three interlinked social systems: liberal democracy to make political choices; market capitalism to make economic choices; and science and other forms of open critical exchange to make epistemic choices (that is, decisions about truth and knowledge). By transcending tribe, renouncing authoritarianism, substituting rules for rulers, and treating persons as interchangeable, liberalism achieves what no other social system can offer, at least on a large scale: coordination without control. In a liberal system, everyone can participate but no one is in charge.

In the context of human history, everything about liberalism is radical: its rejection of personal and tribal authority, its insistence on treating persons as interchangeable, its demand that dissent be tolerated and minorities protected, its embrace of change and uncertainty. All of its premises run counter to hardwired human instincts. Liberalism is the strangest and most counterintuitive social idea ever conceived, a disadvantage offset only by the fact that it is also the most successful social idea ever conceived.

Of course, it is imperfect. It does not solve every old problem and new problems always crop up. But all of the big social problems, from poverty and inequality to environmental degradation, war, and disease, are demonstrably better handled by liberal than non-liberal societies.

What are the defects in other political systems. Rauch's article contains sections dealing with each:

First: the challengers are either proven failures or vaporware. Second: the challengers are enemies of equality. Third: the challengers can’t self-correct. Finally: the challengers are authoritarian.

This is an excellent detailed persuasive article. I highly recommend it.

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