FOX tries to make Ron Paul invisible

If you don't think that FOX news is absolutely corrupt, and that FOX has drunk lots of concentrated neocon Koolaid, take a look at the furious spin job FOX did during the first Republican debate. This video has been doctored by Ron Paul's people, sometimes in an entertaining way. The…

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O’Reilly and Ron Paul debate U.S. Middle East policy

This one is difficult to watch because O'Reilly is so utterly condescending and so unwilling to allow his guest (Ron Paul) to speak. The debate does capture the neocon perspective (O'Reilly) and Paul's view, to which I am sympathic. Ron Paul argues that our "troubles" in the Middle East are…

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Ron Paul speaking directly on Iraq and the economy

It's been interesting watching Ron Paul hammer the other candidates of both parties on the issues Iraq and our out-of-control deficit economy. The Republican elite and the corporate media have no idea of what to do with Paul--he just won't fall in line. Here are a couple examples of Ron…

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