Obama is Being Republican Lite

Lofty rhetoric aside, after the election dust has settled, President Barack Obama seems to be giving us “Republican Lite” in his proposed economic stimulus package which may go over $850 billion. The package includes some $300 billion in tax cuts and $100 billion in givebacks to big business and other large business tax breaks long sought after by the US Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers. The plan seems to be a shill to allow for more Republican support in the US Senate where President Obama apparently fears a filibuster from a weakened GOP. GOP minority leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-TN.) has said the bill will likely be passed by mid-February. Former Senator Obama’s legislative centrist instincts have taken over.

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Obama bludgeons Al-Qaeda without any physical weapons

It was entirely predictable, of course. By undoing many of the Bush Administration policies regarding the treatment of prisoners of the so-called "War on Terror" and reducing the war rhetoric aimed at residents of the Middle East, Obama has done some significant damage to Al-Qaeda without the use of any physical weapons The Washington Post reports that Al-Qaeda is reeling these days, because it has lost its best recruiting tool: George W. Bush. Barack Obama's election has resulting in a strong barrage of words by Al-Qaeda, claiming that Obama has killed innocent Muslims and that he is even responsible for the violence in Gaza.

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To avoid conspiracy kook-ery, Obama retakes oath.

After Tuesday's Inaugural oopsie- now obviously Justice Roberts' fault- Obama decided to retake the oath of office. I love the term that Greg Craig used when explaining the redo.  "Abundance of caution".  Read: to keep the conspiracy wingnuts from trying to oust the President on the basis of minutiae. Read:…

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George, meet Barry. Now sod off.

Don't let the Whitehouse door hit you in the arse on the way out. On the other hand, I hope someone jams your pinky finger in it. And smacks you in the nuts with an army boot. But, seriously, now that he's gone, I guess we can't rag on Dubya anymore. Sure, he's given the world enough material (both unintentionally comedic, in a painful, Ricky-Gervais/Steve Carell-in-The-Office kind of way as well as just plain tragic) to last the next 8 years, but have pity - he's unemployed now. He's likely to stay that way too - given his oratory skills it's doubtful he'll be able to make a living on the lucrative public-speaking circuit like his silver-tongued predecessor Bubba Clinton. But hey, there's always Pop to turn to. Hell, who do you think got him his last job? And the one before that? Oh well, he's got plenty of time to work on his golf game - and no pesky-ass reporters asking him about boring shit like wars or deficits or hurricanes or drowned cities.

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In by the hair on our chinny chin chins

Yes, the Bush Administration is now gone, with Bush himself finally helicoptered out.  And just look at this exquisite satellite photo of yesterday's crowd for the swearing in! We'd like to think that the American people have now seen the light, and that we can now rationally approach solutions to…

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