The demise of the American middle class

These 22 statistics from Business Insider are shocking. In the aggregate they forcefully demonstrate that America's middle class is being wiped out. They also suggest a bleak economic future where, for instance, 61% of Americans always or usually live from paycheck to paycheck, and where 43% of American workers have saved less than $10,000 for their retirement.

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Two Americas: Two ways to play in water

Those who are truly interested in community-building (rather than striving to enhance their own status through resource-exhausting displays of material wealth) might want to take note of two ways city folks play in water. This idea occurred to me while walking through Tower Grove Park in St. Louis last week.…

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More signs of rising economic disparity

Senator Bernie Sanders writes that the American Middle Class is being decimated.  He cites some interesting numbers.  Here's a couple shockers: Robert Frank, a Wall Street Journal reporter, has detailed the lives of the rich and famous in the book Richistan. He writes that households with a net worth of…

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