John McCain: Loyal acolyte in the cult of deregulation

Would you like to see how John McCain's cheer-leading of deregulation of the financial services industry led to the current assault on the economy, and the siphoning off of at least $700B from the taxpayers like you and me?   Here's a good summary, by "Devilstower" of Daily Kos. It's called…

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George Bush has fixed our ailing economy!

Thanks, President Bush, for taking care of the problem!  Now all let's get back to our wasteful, ignorant, self-indulgent American lives!  Let's add another new big screen TV to the credit card! What else is a reader of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch supposed to think when scanning this headline: "Stock…

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The idea of a benevolent “Free Market” is exposed as a dangerous fraud

At a article entitled "The corporate financiers are wrong," Joe Conason says the obvious about "free market" fanatics because it is necessary to say the obvious about "free market" fanatics, given that they've been so successful at promulgating their drivel.  What is the obvious thing we now need to…

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