Synopsis of the Corporate News Lab Leak Cover-up

This was far worse than journalism malpractice. The corporate media didn't merely conspire to be incurious. This finely-tuned coordination and the fact that reporters ran away from the evidence proves intent to cover up the very real possibility that COVID was created in a lab and financed by the United States. Drew Holden connects the dots for us:

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The Recent Past, When the Elite News Media Considered People Worried About a Lab Leak to be Dumb Fucks

I invite everyone to take a trip in Matt Orfalea's Lab Leak Time Machine. While on your journey, notice the sneering tone of voice of these dozens of wanna-be journalists. This is how "the news" is often announced these days. Fact-free and sprinkled with condescension for those who dare to stray from the official narrative.

Continue ReadingThe Recent Past, When the Elite News Media Considered People Worried About a Lab Leak to be Dumb Fucks