ABC’s meaningless presidential debate

Tom Shales of the Washington Post describes the rot that our national media has become: When Barack Obama met Hillary Clinton for another televised Democratic candidates' debate last night, it was more than a step forward in the 2008 presidential election. It was another step downward for network news --…

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What debates?

The Nation argues that we don't really have any real political debates among the candidates.  In fact, what passes for "debate" is "idiotic": What passes for a political debate in the United States today is little more than dueling sound bites. The Republican candidates were restricted to sixty-second answers to…

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The Great Afterlife Debate: Michael Shermer v. Deepak Chopra

Shermer and Chopra traded articles at Skeptic Magazine, but they really didn't communicate.  Shermer got me on board with comments like this: Here is the reality. It has been estimated that in the last 50,000 years about 106 billion humans were born. Of the 100 billion people born before the…

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