Straight talk about Canada’s oil sands

Would you like to learn the unvarnished story about oil sands, an often highly-touted source of fuel? The March issue of National Geographic has a detailed article on oil sands, focusing on a production facility in Alberta Canada: "Scraping Bottom." It's an already profitable environment-unfriendly carbon-irresponsible way to feed America's often-wasteful craving for fuel. [Photo: Wikimedia Commons]

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Sarah Palin’s foreign policy knowledge gained through osmosis.

I sleep with a lot of books near my bed so that I can learn by osmosis, I joke.  Now, check out this surreal statement by Sarah Palin on why Alaska's proximity to Russian and Canada bolsters her foreign policy credentials. And notice another reference to the impending attack on…

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Sicko diagnoses our sick political system

What is it to be “sick”?   According to Merriam-Webster, there are two definitions:

1 : affected with disease or ill health
2 : spiritually or morally unsound or corrupt

This afternoon I viewed “Sicko.”  I was one of the many audience members at the theater who applauded at the film’s conclusion.  Sicko will serve provoke much-needed discussion regarding the American health care system.  Sicko invokes the second definition of “sick” as well.  My hope is that Sicko will also provoke desperately needed conversation, as well as substantive changes, to the American political system, where money acts as a virus and where the equivalent of white blood cells–the Media–has long gone into hibernation. 

I am not optimistic about any self-instigated change in the American political system, but perhaps Sicko will provoke the media to start digging into the millions of health care injustices in America.  These compelling stories are there for the taking.  Perhaps these many cases where health care is being unfairly denied to Americans will at least occasionally start showing up on the front pages of America’s newspapers.  Before Sicko was released, the undeniable fact that America is having a health care crisis was not considered newsworthy by the corporate media.  Nor has any real healthcare conversation occurred in this country since Hillary Clinton was bludgeoned into silence on the issue thanks to more than $100 million spent by healthcare corporations more than 10 years ago.

Our political system is wretchedly sick.  Moore makes this clear when he …


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3,300 active duty soldiers deserted the army in 2006

According to this article by Newsweek, 3,301 U.S. active-duty soldiers deserted the Army in 2006.  Jeffry House is a defense lawyer representing many of these soldiers.  Newsweek asked House why so many soldiers were deserting.  According to House, The common idea is that the war in Iraq is going nowhere,…

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