Representative Alan Grayson makes the truth hurt.

Some would call it a stunt, but all indications suggest that Alan Grayson was spot on. Lots of people are dying because of the lack of health insurance. Many of those people live in Congressional Districts overseen by Republicans who prefer the status quo. Grayson simply added 2 plus 2, and it made the Republicans livid. If they don't like it, then they should do something about it. That's how I see it. The solution is not to hide the facts that people in your district are dying from a problem that might have a solution but that you are not seeking any solution.

Continue ReadingRepresentative Alan Grayson makes the truth hurt.

Who’s watching the Federal Reserve? Not the Inspector General of the Federal Reserve.

Who's watching the Federal Reserve? Not the Inspector General of the Federal Reserve. This video shows a May 5, 2009 hearing where Rep. Alan Grayson asks Elizabeth Coleman, the Federal Reserve Inspector General, about the trillions of dollars lent or spent by the Federal Reserve and where it went, and the trillions of off balance sheet obligations. As you can see, she is clueless and/or full of bullshit. So much for public accountability. It's time for a real investigation of the Federal Reserve.

Continue ReadingWho’s watching the Federal Reserve? Not the Inspector General of the Federal Reserve.