Grover Norquist and Ed Rendell discuss taxes and the economy

Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell worked overtime keeping up with the arguments of  "drown government in a bathtub" Grover Norquist. Interesting, how Rendell admits many points of agreement with Norquist, yet Norquist can't summon up the courage to admit any points of agreement with Rendell.  This unwillingness to engage has come to be one of the most salient badges of modern conservatism. I agree with Norquist that there are many questionable government expenditures, state and federal.  But who would disagree with this?  The question then becomes "What are we going to do going forward?"  Rendell agrees that that there are wasteful expenditures and that we need identify them and cut them, but asserts that there are many projects deserving the investment of tax dollars because society will be much better off with government making these valuable investments that would not be supported by private profit-taking. Norquist displays an extremely narrow view of the appropriate role for government.  He detests mass transit, though he tolerates road construction.  He displays no sympathy for poor or working people who depend on mass transit.  He sees all public union pensions as wasteful (regardless of the fact that many public employees have historically taken a hit in annual salary with the expectation that this deficit would be made up in their pension plan). He detests environmentalists, without displaying any acknowledgment that their goals are at least sometimes laudable. He argues that because corruption and "free riders" are inherent to the existence of government, we should throw out the baby with the bathwater. Norquist argues (at 5 min. mark)  that there are only two metrics of economic growth:  A) economic growth (= per capita income) and B) the "size of government" (= government spending as a percentage of GDP).  Entirely lacking from his world view is any measure of quality of life.  That subterranean rift divides Norquist's view from my own.  I believe that we need to take into account a moral obligation to maintain a quality of life that assumes that not all Americans can afford the basic human necessities that they deserve (e.g., a basic level of health care), and that these things should be considered by our government to be basic human rights. This is the first time I've seen Norquist speak. I can sense his Ayn Randian free market fundamentalism, even though it wasn't explored openly in this video. Instead, that dark id that drives him along is the man hiding behind the curtain labelled simply ("No Taxation!"). Norquist's conversation with Governor Rendell (who is a well-informed and proficient public speaker) is a civil and informative conversation that allowed me to better understand the various ways in which I occasionally agree, but mostly disagree with Norquist's viewpoint. Video streaming by Ustream

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Come to the United States for slow and expensive Internet

As reported by Common Dreams:

The New York Times reported on Wednesday that the U.S. has sunk to 25th in a global ranking of Internet speeds, just behind Romania. Why? Because our nation's regulators abandoned an earlier commitment to foster competition in the marketplace for Internet access providers.
Here's the problem:  Most households in the United States have little-to-no choice when it comes to land line broadband:

The lack of competition has turned America into a broadband backwater. In the aftermath of the FCC’s decisions, powerful phone and cable companies legislated and lobbied their way to controlling 97 percent of the fixed-line residential broadband market — leaving the vast majority of consumers with two or fewer choices of land-based providers in any given market.

This article links to a Free Press publication, "Dismantling Digital Deregulation: Toward a national Broadband Strategy," which tells us what deregulation has brought us:
Almost right out of the gate, the Bush administration’s FCC declared war on competitive ISPs. It quickly decided that even though the cable platform had transformed into a two-way communications medium, cable companies didn’t need to abide by any of the pro-competitive requirements of the 1996 Act. The FCC also decided that incumbent monopoly phone companies would no longer be required to provide competitive broadband ISPs wholesale access at reasonable rates and conditions. This abandonment of “open access” policy flew in the face of congressional intent and doomed the competitive ISPs to irrelevancy and bankruptcy. Meanwhile, overseas, other countries maintained this commitment to competition and reaped the benefits. The OECD countries with open access policies have broadband penetration levels nearly twice that of countries without these policies. Citizens in the countries with open access policies also get more broadband bang for their buck. For example, consumers in countries with “line sharing” open access policies pay about $14 per Mbps; consumers in countries without these policies pay more than double this amount. The FCC, in its blind pursuit of deregulation, abandoned line sharing and other open access policies in the hopes that this “regulatory relief” would inspire incumbents to make massive investments in broadband infrastructure. But this hope, based in part on the promises made by the incumbents to get favorable FCC treatment, turned out to be completely false. An examination of the data reveals that the pace of broadband deployment was no different in the years before major FCC broadband deregulation than it was in the years after. States like Virginia and Maine saw no improvement in deployment, while in some states like Nebraska, things actually got worse. The FCC also justified its abandonment of competition policy by arguing that the incumbent phone and cable companies would offer third-party ISPs wholesale access on favorable terms, even though they weren't obligated to do so. In retrospect, letting the fox guard the henhouse was a colossal mistake. An examination of the offerings of the few remaining third-party broadband ISPs illustrates the obvious: that incumbents have absolutely no reason to offer their competitors favorable wholesale rates. For example, Earthlink still resells Time Warner Cable broadband service, but the monthly rate is so high that no consumer in his or her right mind would pay it. Earthlink’s 7 Mbps tier costs consumers nearly $30 more than if they bought it from Time Warner Cable directly, while the lowest-price tier is nearly 20 percent cheaper if purchased from Time Warner Cable. In many cases, once they were granted relief from providing reasonable wholesale access, incumbents refused to offer wholesale altogether or jacked up the rates so high that third-party ISPs would lose money.

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Islamic terrorism, by the numbers

While Islamaphobia rages here in America, we might do well to pay attention to some numbers from Europe:

In 2009, there were fewer than 300 terrorist incidents in Europe, a 33 percent decline from the previous year. The vast majority of these incidents (237 out of 294) were conducted by indigenous European separatist groups, with another forty or so attributed to leftists and/or anarchists. According to the report, a grand total of one (1) attack was conducted by Islamists.

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George Carlin’s brutally patriotic criticism

The First Amendment isn’t worth a damn unless it is actually being used. If it is not being used, then politicians and their rich and powerful keepers will continue to utter long and loud streams of nonsense to financially screw the ordinary working people of America in dozens of ways. They will continue to feed us unending misinformation in order to justify their urges to wage unnecessary wars to help them retain their power. They will continue invading our houses and and minds thanks to their many stenographers in the commercial media. Those of us who have resisted drinking much of this country’s spiked elixir of Judeo-Christian-consumerist-warmongering-bigotry know that most of what we hear our authority figures uttering, even those authority figures who we want to believe to be on our side, is flawed. Much of it substantially untrue and quite a bit of it is absolute bullshit.  I hate to be writing these words, but I've lost a lot of faith in the United States in the past ten years.  Misinformation pours into the living rooms and cars of Americans every day, where it too often takes root, perhaps because it is uttered by people wearing fancy suits and flag pins. Americans need an antidote to this unending poison. They need the kinds of people who can effectively challenge these messages and messengers--someone who not only can challenge this propaganda but can do it with sharp fast pinpricks that deflate this bloviation on the spot.  They need much more than "news" reporters who don't have the tools, courage or motivation to challenge all the BS. They need someone who is old enough and thick-skinned enough that he/she doesn’t give a shit about being criticized for being unpatriotic. In fact, this type of person, of whom we actually need many, feeds on the criticism aimed at them by the powers-that-be and even gets even better under attack; he/she feels compelled to speak truth to power because it is the right thing to do, it's in the blood and it's the patriotic thing. The types of patriotic people we need to deliver this blitzkrieg criticism also need to be excellent entertainers in order to maintain the attention of large numbers of Americans. As comedians, they can hone their messages into comical memes that their audience members will pass around in viral fashion long after the original message was delivered. To the extent that these funny social critics portray themselves as jesters, they will have more access to the mass media, enabling them more effectively put their verbal swords in and out of those who own and run this country. Many conservatives consider this iconoclastic feedback to be unpatriotic. [More . . . ]

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