One-third of the United States Supreme Court attends Federalist Society fund raiser

As reported by Common Cause and Bob Edgar:

[T]hree members of our Supreme Court were guests last Thursday at an annual fundraising dinner sponsored by the Federalist Society, a self-styled association of conservative and libertarian lawyers that is providing much of the intellectual firepower behind efforts to overturn the landmark health care reform law passed last year. Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas were honorees and speakers at the black tie event and Justice Samuel Alito, a regular at Federalist Society gatherings, was in the audience, according to a program prepared for the dinner.
Edgar anticipates the question of whether this activity is ethically acceptable. The quick answer is that justices on the United States Supreme Court are not subject to any code of ethics:
[This activity] clearly violates the Code of Conduct for U.S. Judges, a set of ethical standards the Supreme Court helps enforce on lower federal courts but has refused to impose on itself.

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Not backyard badminton

I checked to see how the world's top athletes play badminton, and it's nothing like I've ever seen people play in their backyard. Note the tremendous speed on the hits and the phenomenal reflexes of the athletes. But now check out this doubles rally. It's one of the most stunning sports moments I've ever seen:

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Huge find of ancient whale fossils in the desert

In a desert in northern Chile, scientists are busy digging out dozens of fossils of the ancestors of modern whales, many of them complete skeletons. The fossils are up to seven million years old. This will add to an impressive collection of whale and pre-whale fossils already in the scientific record. And see here.

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