Republicans boo the golden rule

Many Christians I have met believe that Jesus invented the Golden Rule. This is not true. The Golden Rule has been adopted by ever major religion in the world. It has been around for many hundreds of years prior to the life of Jesus. Jesus certainly embraced the concept of the golden rule, however:

Do to others as you would have them do to you. —Luke 6:31 Whatever you want people to do for you, do the same for them. —Matthew 7:12
We now know that If Jesus showed up to urge South Carolina Republicans to love their enemies, he'd be booed off the stage. Maybe he'd even be dragged into a back alley and gotten beat up. What else can you conclude from this stunning exchange involving Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul? An excellent analysis is offered at a new site titled Bible Funmentionables, in an article titled "Boo! Unto Others."

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The Onion: U.S. Supreme Court rules opines that right is wrong

According to The Onion, The United States Supreme Court has ruled in the case of Right versus Wrong that right is wrong:

It is the opinion of this court that the Constitution was crafted in such a manner as to uphold and encourage practices that are not right and, ideally, are very wrong," Justice Antonin Scalia wrote for the majority, which also in­cluded Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy, and John Roberts. "Despite the compelling case for goodness, truth, and justice made by our predecessors in the case of Right v. Wrong, we firmly believe that malice, dishonesty, and injustice were the framers' original intent.

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Proposed Massachusetts law would require corporate responsibility

A new law affecting Massachusetts corporations has been proposed to require corporations to be more than money-makers:

The Code for Corporate Citizenship (the "Code") would amend Section 8,30 (a)(3) of the Massachusetts Business Corporations Act which now requires corporate directors only to act "in a manner the director reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the corporation." The Code will change this duty to add 28 words, "but not at the expense of the environment, human rights, public health and safety, dignity of employees and the welfare of the communities in which the coproration operates."

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Here’s how to strike back against Internet censorship and why

It's time to step up and voice your concerns because we now have a bit of momentum. Here's how to strike back against Internet censorship. Here is why you should consider taking at least a few minutes to get involved. I've blackened the DI banner today as a symbol of my concern regarding efforts to pass SOPA (pending in the House) and the Protect IP Act (pending in the Senate). Free Press has offered a page indicating the senators who are pro, con and on the fence. If you plug in your zip code, you will be presented with phone numbers for your senators and it LITERALLY takes only a minute to voice your concern to the staffer of your senator. I called my two senators in two minutes. Please join me in voicing your concern to your elected officials. You will be doing your part to use logic, fairness and reason to oppose $90 million in campaign contributions. Reason sometimes work, as demonstrated by today's reversal of course by Senator Marco Rubio of Florida.

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Socialist investing

Dan Solin points out that it's more profitable to invest in socialist countries:

According to one report, for the 39 years ending December 31, 2008, the annualized stock returns of "socialist" countries (like Norway, Denmark, Hong Kong, Sweden and France), exceeded the stock returns of the U.S. Unlike the U.S., these countries aggressively curtailed economic freedom. It appears there is an inverse relationship between higher returns and economic freedom. It is also difficult to conclude that government intervention in private industry is a precursor to lower returns.

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