Modules and evolution

In "The Parts of Life," Karl Zimmer takes a close look at evolving computer networks and concludes that modules and minimal connections facility efficient evolution.

[A]s networks become more efficient, they become more modular. But once the parts of a system emerge, natural selection may then favor modules themselves, because they make living things more flexible in their evolution. Once life’s Legos get produced, in other words, evolution can start to play.

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Inspiration to keep trying

Things weren't easy for the Beatles in the beginning, and this article (and video) make that clear. I find this to be inspirational--in the beginning of an endeavor, you often need to swallow your pride and just keep working at things. Many worthwhile projects are marathons, not sprints.  Further, the 10,000 hour rule will often be part of the process, you aren't an expert at what you are trying to be, not at the very beginning.

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