Virtual worlds inside of our heads

This morning, I found myself reveling in the representational capacity of brains. Here's an illustration: Sometimes I misplace an item such as my keys and I can't find them while physically walking around my house. Sometimes, frustrated, I pause my physical search. I sit down and close my eyes. Using only images, sounds and memories embedded in neural pathways in my head, I "see" that I had my keys when I last walked into my house. I "play" a series of short "videos" and "images" in my head reminding myself where I walked and what I touched. I run through the logic that I could NOT have left them in certain places, because I didn't go to those parts of the house, seeing images of them as I run through this logic? Then, perhaps, I "see" myself closing my car trunk while holding my briefcase. I'm now wondering--did I put the keys on top of the car for a second while closing the trunk? I go outside and there are the keys on top of the car. My mind contained detailed representations of my home and car, as well as episodic memories that, while imperfect, is often good enough. My neural pathways contain a virtual, somewhat explorable, world inside of my head. Although it is not perfect in all of its details, it is quite functional. It's a capability we use every day, drawing on the brain's extraordinary power to represent the world around us, allowing us to perform virtual manipulations of objects, "searching" our house while sitting down with our eyes closed. What type of magic is this that a 3 pound living organ can do this and so much more? How is it even possible that a system like this can spout up and train itself over a lifetime without a "person in the brain" to guide the process? And how is it possible that we experience consciousness on top of this amazing process? This is but one reason for my love of cognitive science. It's not my profession, but it is one of my passions to better understand this process that we so often take for granted.

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Race Day

I just finished running a 5K in downtown St. Louis, finishing at 26:12. My concern is that there are people running the race who have runners' physiques--they have long legs and they glide like they aren't even touching the ground.  An even bigger concern is that some of the people they allow to enter the race are able to run much faster than me.  For instance, the man that won my age bracket finished in 19 min.  It's not fair that they let people like that enter the race. Even worse, the race was filled with morning people--They walk around annoying owls like me by being chipper at 7am.  I'm going to propose that they begin their next 5K annual race at 10pm, that they screen out all of the larks, and that they ban all of the people who are unfairly fast.

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Myths of Authority in Practice

I’ve been trying to come to terms with Ferguson since it began. The shooting of Michael Browne sparked a response that surprised many people and the counter responses have been equally surprising among certain people, not so much among certain others. Every time I start to write something I find what I intended to say had already been said better elsewhere. [More . . . ]

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The stereotypes about atheism

A new movie, "God's Not Dead," is about to be released. From it, many church-going folks will have their stereotypes about atheists reinforced. Here's a list provided by Nell Carter at Patheos: 1. Atheist professors are predatory, and they are out to convert everyone into ideological clones of themselves. 2. Atheists are selfish, self-absorbed, greedy jerks. 3. Atheists are cocky, self-sure, and totally enamored with their own superiority. 4. Atheists will openly threaten you, bow up, get in your face, stare you down. 5. Atheists are clearly incapable of love. 6. Atheists lack ethical boundaries. 7. They disbelieve in God because something bad happened to them. 8. Atheists are angry at God. You can just hear it in all of their voices. 9. Atheists are miserable because they believe life is meaningless. 10. Atheists have no basis for morality.

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