Sam Harris on Identity Politics

Harris argues that Identity Politics has become a political religion. He distrusts identity politics of all kinds, and has argued that to the extent any person claims that their race is anything other than homo sapiens, this is a problem. In this short video, Harris is distressed that in modern day America, so many people attempt to inject their personal identity or their personal tribe into a conversation where only the facts are relevant.

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When perpetrator of terror attack is muslim, attack receives 5X more media coverage

From the U.K. Independent:

Terror attacks carried out by Muslims receive more than five times as much media coverage as those carried out by non-Muslims in the United States, according to an academic study.

Analysis of coverage of all terrorist attacks in the US between 2011 and 2015 found there was a 449 per cent increase in media attention when the perpetrator was Muslim.

Muslims committed just 12.4 per cent of attacks during the period studied but received 41.4 per cent of news coverage, the survey found.

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